Chapter LIII: Kira, Like a Queen, Will Rock U

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Kira hid under the manhole with Josuke's body next to him.

Kira chewed his nails to the point of bleeding.

The Crusaders search everywhere for Josuke.

Kira: "I usually have a jar to cut my nails... My nails grow faster when I get stressed out..."

Joseph begins to cry.

Joseph: "I can't sense him... anywhere...

Kira: "Tch-!!!
Killing Josuke was a mistake. I need to find a way to dispose of each of them."

Kira eyes the arrow.

Kira: "Very well...
I need to clear my name."

Kira uses Will Rock U and bombs a nearby truck as a distraction.

Kira then stabs himself with the arrow.

The arrow goes through his body, as if it was alive, and moved slowly.

"Let the voice of love take you higher
Going past space and time with the gathered fire, oh, yeah!
1999, bizarre summer
This city can thrive on courage, what more can I say?
Great days!

Time resumed.

Kira puts the arrow in his pocket, and smiled.

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