Chapter VI: Spine

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A father smacks his son's hand with a ruler.

"I'm sorry, Father."

"How can I, the President of America, have such an insolent fool for a son?! How can you be the President as well if you go down flabbergasting me by being primarily STUPID?!!! Now, what should you say when you've mistaken and brought dishonor to this family, and your nation?"

"I'm stupid. I'm an idiot. I'm a scumbag."

"Grow a spine and talk back to me, will ya? You're embarrassing me in front of your tutors!"


Funny: "Thank you, Father... For straightening up my ideals and showing me the true way of the President. From the beginning, you knew that the United States of America could be something more than just a colony. It could become the most powerful Nation in the world. If I could just gain the Parts, I could save America. I am not doing this for you, Father. I despised you after all. I am doing this because of what you showed me. America is weak, but one day, it could become the most powerful country in terms of economy and military power. I could make America great again!"

Avdol: "Mr. President."

Funny: "What is it, Ali?"

Avdol: "I've received a telegram that Dio Brando had taken the first Holy Corpse Part: The left arm."

Funny: "We'll be taking the spine, then. Let us ride, then."

Funny Valentine, Ali Avdol and Stormae Polnareff ride their horses to the next checkpoint. A village near the south.

Funny: "I need to have America become great again. I can only do that by increasing the country's luck levels."

Funny rode to the village, Rocky Mountain Village, though... The Stardust Knights were already there.

Ali and Stormae back him up by charging Spin Steel Balls. 

Funny: "Now, now, boys. We have to calm down and make sure that Jonathan or I would get the Part fair and square. Those are the rules."

Funny stood before the three.

Jonathan: "President Valentine."

He bowed respectfully.

Funny: "Bowing to the President is an insult to the President and the country. The President of America is a person just like you and anyone else. I am an American citizen. I do not wage wars for power and fame. I do things for my country only. See me as your equal, JONATHAN JOESTAR!!!"

Jonathan: "I tried telling the registrar my name, but he wouldn't accept."

Funny: "Being a Joestar doesn't make you someone important, Jonathan. You're just a regular Hamon-User with a regular Spin-Using Stand. You can't even use Hamon for so long due to that punctured lung of yours."

Jonathan's eyes squint.

Jonathan's eyes squint

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