Chapter XXXII: Lord Freeza, Like an F, is Ultimately a Cold Failure

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(Cover by the Piano Guy)

(Theme begins...)

"This... is Earth Music..."

Freeza, an Alien, plays the Piano beautifully and properly.

Freeza's fingers moved elegantly as he played the piano so much beautifully.

Freeza kept on playing, and playing.

Freeza kept on, however, panting at certain points of the piece.

Freeza: "Tch-..."

King Cold, his Father, watched and laughed.

King Cold: "Oh... my Princes..."

Freeza played beautifully, and elegantly still.

Cooler snickered quietly.

Freeza finished.

(Theme ends...)

King Cold laughed.

King Cold: "Oh...
My Princess!
Cooler, you were absolutely fucking terrible..."

Cooler: "Huh?!"

King Cold: "Freeza, you are now Emperor of this institution."

Freeza smiled at his brother, deviously.

There is nothing about Freeza that is good...

When Freeza was born, he was taught one thing... That all the weak must be extinguished. All the weak are nothing more than peasants compared to their race, the Korudons.

Freeza is nothing more than something evil, scum of the Earth.

He always believed that he is a Destroyer.

Ever since he was young, King Cold tasked Freeza to destroy Planet Vegeta, which he did so profoundly.

This was because it was fated for the Emperor, to die in the hands of a Super Saiyan.

Freeza wanted one thing... immortality...

He still wants it now...

Freeza is an evil monster...


Freeza: "Next..."

Another man appears before him on his throne, as Mr. Perfect-est Cell stood beside him.

Freeza: "Who are you supposed to be?"

Man: "I ask to join Passione, please?"

Freeza: "Show me your Stand."

Man shows his Stand.

Man: "This is Chase... He can help me phase through objects..."

Freeza laughed.


He fell to the ground, dead.

Freeza: "Eobard.
Be kind enough to dispose this man's body.



Freeza: "Hmhmhmhmhm...
Who are you supposed to be?"

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