Chapter LXVI: Coolie Vanilla Attacks with Cream

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The Blue Hand: Cream
Abilities: ?
Power: ?
Speed: ?
Range: ?
Durability: ?
Precision: ?
Potential: ?

Avdol: "My wife and I loved each other, very much.
She was a beautiful girl from the south, who always loved to watch old film.
I used to love to watch with her.
I was different. I was a strict hot-headed authoritarian figure who'd always scold her.
When we were young, I'd always scold her for messing up like pranking the neighbors. We'd get into lots of trouble together. We grew up together, and fell in love.
One day..."

Avdol sees Smokey, his Father, as he stood in the street at night.

Avdol: "Dad?!
What happened?"

Smokey bowed his head in disappointment, as Avdol sees his wife, Nikita, who is being arrested.

Avdol: "Dad, you can't arrest her."

Smokey: "I can and I will.
She had coke in her, Avdol."

Avdol was shocked, and despite that, visited her everyday in prison.

As days went by, Avdol kept on visiting her.

"Why'd you have coke on you?"

"Why not?"

"Because it's illegal, Nikita!
You know my father is the Mayor of this town! You know that he hates drug addicts more than any other criminal in this city!"

"I'm a victim, Avdol!
Everyone in this town thinks they know what's right from what's wrong! I say no to that! These drugs help me relieve myself from stress, Avdol!"


"I'm sorry that I did this... But school... and after everything...
I'm just so tired of doing this, Avdol...
I'm tired of life..."

"I'll help you, Nikita."


"I'll help you bring back your dignity.
I'll help you recover from drugs. I promise."

Years later, Avdol finally started dating Nikita after her sentence, and soon married her.

One day, Avdol wanted to have a child with her... She agreed...


"I'm sorry, Nikita... But..."

Nikita stared at the results...

"N-No way!
It can't be..."

Though, Avdol still stayed with Nikita, even though she was infertile.

Years went by, and Avdol and Nikit spent more time together, watching film. Soon, Avdol became a politician in New York City, as Nikita became a lawyer. She'd do things for him, like tie his tie before he went to work as he did hers. They'd talk about the purpose of life, and things that questions one's existence.

One day...

Avdol sees her, dead on the floor, after work.

Avdol then sees coke all over the kitchen table.


Avdol stood in the morgue and spoke with the diener.

Avdol: "How long?"

Diener: "She's been taking it in for five years now."

Avdol: "Same time when we found out that she couldn't-...
Thank you."

Avdol was alone after that.

One day, Avdol then found out that she had a supplier.

He worked for Passione.

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