Chapter XLVIII: Sadao Has a Heart

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When Jotaro was growing up, he loved watching anime, mostly the ones with giant robots who go on to protect the universe, each wielded by a person inside the suit of armor. He'd watch them all day every weekend when he was young.

One day, Jotaro's Father randomly left the household. His Father was never really close to Jotaro. He often ignored him a lot and was a workaholic. He was a very intricate worker. Jotaro often failed to be recognized by his Father, despite his amazing prodigy at a young age. He watched Giant Robots all day, and his Father called him an idiot for that.

After a while, Jotaro's Grandfather, Joseph, visited the young boy from then on, every day. Joseph saw the boy to be very strange, but intelligent. Joseph often played tricks with the boy and mind games, which taught Jotaro his current skill of reading between the lines.

Then, Jotaro and Holy's hearts were broken, after learning that Joseph cheated on his wife, Suzi Q. Joseph's actions made Jotaro hate the man for years on end, until 1989, when Joseph returned to Morioh and tried to reconnect with the now man, along with his younger Half-Uncle, Josuke.

Joseph plays the game with Jotaro and Josuke.

Josuke: "Oi... Joestar-san... You're getting pretty good."

Joseph: "Fuck yeah, mate! Give me five!"

Josuke sighed and gave him a high five.

Jotaro: "Yare yare... Old Man... How are you getting better at this?"

Joseph: "No bloomin' idea. Ho ho!"

Jotaro and Josuke sighed after they were beaten by Joseph.

Joseph: "GA HA HA!!! I am the greatest bloody master gamer, Joseph Joestar!"

Holy, knocking the door and slowly opening it: "Papa! Someone is here to see you!"

Joseph: "Ah! Must be Smokey!"

Joseph walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Joseph: "'Ello Gov'-!"

Suzi Q stared at him with contempt.

Joseph: "Oh... noooo...."

Jotaro gets beaten up by Sonny Valentine.


Jotaro spits blood as he is thrown down to the ground.


Star Platinum stops time, only for it to be disabled by Apollo Platinum's time rewind.

It began to rain.

Sonny: "Fuck you, Jotaro... Do you know how it feels to learn that he is only second-best? To find out that he's the son without some piece of shit destiny?"

Sonny breaks Jotaro's legs.

Star Platinum, punching a few times: "ORA ORA ORA!!!"

Apollo Platinum, punching Jotaro several times: "DIIIFOOOSIII!!!"

Apollo Platinum sighed.

???: "Yare yare. Easy on your little brother, champ."

Sadao, wearing a black cloak and a black cowboy hat with a beard and spiky hair, stood before the two. He also wore black boots, had a gray shirt, a golden chain going around his body diagonally.

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