Chapter LXIII: Daniel J. D'arby Wants to Gambles with Osiris

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Ability: Gambling-Once the User wins the gamble, he absorbs all the souls of your bet. You must bet people with equal value.
Power: C
Speed: C
Range: 0
Durability: E
Precision: A
Potential: D

The Crusaders end up in a bar and are exhausted after walking around the desert for such a long time.

Everyone emerges from the turtle and stood before the man.

Joseph: "'Ello, gov'na.
We'd like an iced tea for each of us...
Water for the two little ones, mate."

The Crusaders all stood in unison beside each other. Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno, Joseph, Anne, Noriaki, Koichi, Avdol, Polnareff, Tonio, Rohan, Yukako, Trish, Mista and Holy carrying the two babies.

Iggy sat on the floorboard and slept.

They all drank in unison with their right hand and sighed in relief. Even the babies drank the water with swag.

They all then posed.

Jotaro: "Yare yare...
This was a really tiring day..."

Josuke: "You think?
Ugh... Gureto dazen't."

Joseph: "Ugh... Bloody 'ell!
I don't have my wallet with me!"

Jotaro: "Go get the turtle."

Joseph: "Ugh... Too lazy!"

Joseph eyes D'arby.

Joseph: "Oi!
You there! You a gambler?"

The man smiled.

D'arby: "The name's Daniel J. D'arby, the world's greatest gambler."

Joseph: "Oh! Great!
The thing is, I'm out of cash today, and I want some grub!
Now, I wanna bet or some shit... Heheh..."

D'arby smiled.

D'arby played with his cards, making them do a domino effect, moving each of them at once when they're right beside each other, doing card tricks and whatnot.

Joseph: "Ah...
Alright... That's a neat trick you got there...
Ah! That fucking cat over there!
I bet you your 50 pounds that that cat will uh..."

D'arby threw two smoked fishes to the sand. One on the right, the other to the left.

Joseph: "The bigger piece is on the right. Obviously the right!"

D'arby smiled.

Suddenly, the cat runs towards the right.

Joseph smiled.

But the cat turned left, then went right.

Joseph: "Oh shit!
Welp! Too bad!"

Joseph and the others turned around.

D'arby: "I believe you forgot about our wager."

Joseph: "Huh?
Excuse you?"

D'arby: "Yes...
You have to pay up."

Joseph: "Ugh... I'll get my wallet then..."

D'arby: "No, no...
Not with money...
With your soul..."

Joseph: "H-Huh?"

Joseph immediately fell down on the ground, dead.

The Crusaders then see his soul become a chip on D'arby's table.

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