Chapter VI: Battle Against Esidisi

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23 Days later...

Joseph spars with Suzi Q.

Joseph uses Hermit Purple to swing around in the trees as Suzi Q uses Hamon to strike him down from the branch. He falls as she grabs and carries him, landing on the ground.

Joseph: "Wow... You're pretty strong, for a woman, aren't ya?"

Suzi Q stared at Joseph.

Joseph: "You don't talk much, do ya?"

Throughout the days they were together...

JoJo and Suzi Q use their Hamon and balance themselves with their pinkies on a needle-thin stick below a bunch of cacti.

Joseph: "So, I was like, 'I challenge you in a month! I swear, Waamu! I'll kill the hell outta ya!' And he was like crying like a big Walrus on crack!"

Joseph then falls into the cacti and screamed.

JoJo and Suzi Q use Hamon to breathe underwater.

Joseph: "So... Did you know that turtles breathe through their assholes?"

Joseph suddenly forgot how to use Hamon to let him breathe like a fish, causing him to nearly drown.

JoJo and Suiz Q used Hamon to spar against Wild Zombies.

Joseph: "By God! That Milf was so fucking hot, Lisa Lisa is!"

Suzi Q blushed and angrily pushed him to a zombie, which bit him.



Suzi Q blushed as her eyes twinkled and stared at JoJo and walked away.

Joseph: "I guess training's over or today, right? Come on, woman! Give me five!"

Suzi Q closed her eyes and looked up, away from Joseph.

Joseph: "Come on! You never give me a high-five!"

Suzi Q: "Hmph!"

Joseph: "What'd I do? What? Is it because I wasn't taking the training seriously?"

Suzi Q shook her head.

Joseph: "I don't... I don't get it, mate."

Joseph trained in a large castle on an island owned by the Speedwagon Foundation.

Joseph sees Esidisi outside.

Joseph: "What is he doing he-?! The Heart! I heard the Lisa Lisa has it!"

Meanwhile, Caesar finished training with Speedwagon.

Caesar then held his necklace, which showed a blue stone.

Caesar remembered something...

Joseph falls down a tree again.

Caesar: "Honestly! Joseph! What the hell?! Why are you always climbing trees?!"

Joseph points at the top of the tree.

Caesar: "That's a strange stone..."

Caesar sees the same blue stone on the branch.

Caesar takes it and brings it down.

Caesar: "I wonder how this was lodged into that branch. Here..."

Joseph: "Nah, Caesar... You can have it... I was actually planning to take it for you, because it was so pretty!"

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