Chapter XX: Steel Dan and the Rose Lovers

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The Crusaders finally reach Sydney, Australia in the sixth day.

Jotaro: "Yare yare daze. It's been six days and we've finally reached Sydney."

The city is absolutely beautiful with giant buildings everywhere, and the famous Sydney Opera House stood on the ocean. The vast blue sea and the beautiful city shone in grandiose wonder.

Giorno: "I could still a couple hundred."

Josuke: "Oi... Giorno-san. Where the hell is my wallet?"

Giorno: "Shit."

Giorno runs out of the RV as Josuke chased him.

Okuyasu: "Hold on, guys!"

Okuyasu followed.

Polnareff and Avdol walked out.

Polnareff: "I can't wait for ze next hotel!"

Avdol: "Hmph..."

Avdol walks away as Polnareff followed.

Polnareff: "Come on, man! Is zis about ze battle with Centerfold's Mom or Centerfold?"

Avdol: "Both! You should've been smarter and tactful in your battle!"

Polnareff: "COME ON!!!"

Rohan, Koichi and Noriaki walked out.

Rohan: "First one to get to the bridge gets to draw that."

Rohan runs outside as Noriaki and Koichi followed.

Noriaki: "You're on, sensei!"

Koichi: "Wait up!"


Jotaro came out.

Jotaro: "Yare yare daze. This feels more like a vacation rather than a mission."

That night... Everyone ate dinner, as Joseph stood by the pool.

Jotaro: "Old man. What's wrong?"

Joseph: "Nothing, mate. Just... reflecting on my place in the universe..."

Joseph sighs.

Josuke followed.

Josuke: "Evening, Joestar-san."

Jotaro and Josuke sat beside Joseph. Jotaro to his right, and Josuke to his left.

Josuke: "What's wrong?"

Joseph: "Am I a bad father?"

Jotaro and Josuke: "Yes."

Joseph sighed and chuckled.

Joseph: "When I was a child, I never had any parents. I mean, I was raised by my Granny Erina and Speedwagon, but she just wasn't enough... I'm sorry if I, in a way, abandoned Holy, and completely abandoned you, Josuke, even though I didn't know about you, since that's unreasonable and I should've checked. I just don't know how to be a Father... I never knew how, mates.
I heard stories from Granny Erina of how this all started through bad parenting, because the Joestars, the Brandos and the Zeppelis were all bad parents. So, I've been thinking... Would you like to go fishing, tomorrow?"

Jotaro and Josuke's eyes widened.

Jotaro: "Hm."

Josuke blushed.

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