Chapter XXXIX: Diana Silver and Silver Mercury

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Silver Mercury
Abilities: Superhuman Speed, Katana Weapon
Power: C
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: B
Precision: B
Potential: A

Diana Silver
Abilities: Acts as a crossbow. The first shot paralyzes, the second shot gives a killer infection that slowly kills the victim.
Power: B
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: D
Precision: A
Potential: A

Diana and Ed Mercury. Two lovers in the Olympian Squadron. Tragically, they are siblings.

Years ago, their parents were killed a long time ago in the hands of an enemy Mafia of the Passione. Their parents were cops who fought against that Mafia for years. Since they had no power against that Mafia, they decided to join a stronger Mafia, an organization that called itself Passione.

The two had their first assignment by the Passione as they were not found worthy by DIO, which was to hold two lighter and not let it out. Then, the lighter went out, as they turned it back on and decided to lie to the Boss. That was when the holder of the entrance exam, Polpo, released his remote-controlled Stand, Black Sabbath, to stab each with the arrow. They were stabbed, as they gained Stands, Diana Silver and Silver Mercury.

The two soon became assassins for Passione, working in the Olympians Sector. They gained a certain bond with the Olympians. However, their bond towards each other was more than brother and sister, but was incestuous. The Olympians were at first disgusted by the notion that the twins would have sex from time to time, but decided to accept the disgusting incest they do each day. They do this because they feel alone in the world without each other. The twins became powerful assassins in the Passione. Their next assignment was to assassinate several members who dared investigated Passione. The two became dangerous warriors due to their weapons...

Polnareff began to run with Avdol and Joseph.

Polnareff: "Where is ze Turtle?!"

Joseph: "It's in the cafe guarded by Giorno!"

More arrows are shot towards them.




Joseph gets his artificial arm shot.

Joseph: "OH MY GOOOD!!!"


Diana was hugged by Ed from behind.

Ed: "Good morning, Diana..."

Diana: "Morning, brother..."

The two give each other a sensual kiss.

Ed: "You're successful in the assassination, Diana?"

Diana: "They will pay for killing all of our friends, Ed..."

Diana shoots Joseph's leg, paralyzing him.

Diana: "I got Mr. Joestar, Ed."

Ed: "Perfection...
Shoot him in the head... He's the reason why all of our friends are killed... He deserves to die first.
Give him a slow and painful death."

Joseph is shot in the neck, as he feels the arrow turn into a bacteria-like Stand infection on his throat.

Polnareff: "Mr. Joestar!"

Avdol: "Oh no!"

Avdol and Polnareff turn to each other: "The roundabout technique!"

Polnareff grabs Joseph and Avdol and runs out to the edge of the city, 1000 meters away from the twins, but the infection continued.

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