Chapter V: Lisa Lisa and the Hell Climbers' Pillar

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Joseph and Smokey argue on the bright day in Italy. 

Joseph: "For the last time, Smokey! I thought it was bloody legal! Screw the legal system, Smokey!"

Smokey: "Joseph... You can't just pee in the fountain!"

Joseph: "Screw you, Smokey!"

Joseph and Smokey go inside an Italian restaurant and see Caesar dining with a woman.

Joseph: "Oh no! He's doing that cringe worthy thing with women!"

Caesar: "Your eyes dazzle like diamonds in the darkness of the cave!"

Joseph: "Ugh! Let's order, Smokey!"

Joseph and Smokey are given black pasta.

Joseph quickly grabs the man by the collar.


Smokey: "Calm down, JoJo!"

Waiter: "Signore... i-it's no joke! This is squid-ink spaghetti... It's really good... "

Joseph takes a bite. He tasted the sourness and sweetness of tomato sauce mixed with the soft scent of the sea.

Joseph: "Oh, a'right..."

Joseph eats with a starving stomach along with Smokey.

Waiter: "Is this Negro bothering you?"

Joseph grabs him by the collar again.

Joseph, glowing with Hamon energy: "What'd you just call my friend, gov'na?"

Waiter: "N-Nothing! Sorry to intrude!"

Joseph lets go as the waiter runs into the kitchen.

Joseph: "Hmph!"

Joseph and Smokey ate as Caesar made out with the woman between his legs.

Joseph stops eating and drinks his wine.

Suddenly, he eyes Caesar.

He spits out the wine.

Joseph: "Oi! Caesar! Stop gobbling on that woman's lips and join us over here!"

Caesar: "Don't mind him, Signorita..."

Joseph: "Ugh!"

Smokey: "Why'd you challenge Waamu to a fight in a month?"

Joseph: "For the last time, Smokey! I was under pressure! I ended up thinking about Hamon and the Zeppeli Family and the fact that they're Italians or whatever!"

Smokey sighed and ate.

Smokey: "This is really good!
Joseph really is kinda dumb at times like those. I wonder if he'll survive out incoming battle? Also... I guess I have to fight for JoJo as well... Before I met him, I had no purpose. Just a mugger in the streets. JoJo, however... he gave me purpose!
JoJo... I want to learn Hamon with you and Cae-... JoJo?!"

Joseph prepares his black noodle overdrive.

Joseph: "Just a little prank for Caesar....

Caesar blocks with a bubble and lodges it back to Joseph.

Joseph blocks the attack with the wine glass.

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