Chapter LX: Anubis

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Jotaro and Noriaki wake up in space.

Jotaro: "What the hell?"

They look down and see that they're wearing space suits and that they're holding blasters.

Jotaro: "Yare yare daze..."

Noriaki: "Is this the work of an enemy Stand?"

Jotaro: "What the hell do you think, dumbass?"

Heaven's Anubis

Abilities: Video Game Universe, Beyond Time and Space Existence
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: 0
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: ∞

Noriaki Kakyoin never had friends.

When young, he was born with autism, and was outcasted by his family and his friends. Everyday, he'd move with repetitive motor movements, mannerisms, play of words and routines. He was abnormally addicted to art, writing and anime called, "Pink Dark Boy". He became abnormally obsessed with it, wearing its merchandise every day and having his parents buy his various toys from the series. He also had auditory defensiveness. Whenever someone would clap loudly, or someone would make ringing sounds in a quiet environment, he'd cover his ears not because they hurt, but the sounds scared the young boy.

"Those bastards would clap their hands just to bother me... When it was loud all around, and they'd clap, I wouldn't respond, an call me a liar and weirdo scum.

Those pieces of shit let me become an outcast, calling me an Otaku. Those normies acted like they were better than me, and were jealous because at the time, I was smart.

Animals, they are. Animals they are for playing with a person who was mentally estranged. That's why I never had friends." 

Noriaki spoke with himself in front a mirror.

"I hate everyone." he told himself over and over again.

"It hate them... I hate them... I hate them!"

He was very unhappy, until that day... he met a boy in his class.

What the hell do you want?"

Noriaki softly whispered words. He used his thumb to touch each of his fingers.

"What? Is this your first time speaking up for yourself?"

"I just wanted to... borrow a pencil...
Tch-... This is gruelly disgusting... speaking to people who-..."


Noriaki stared at the young boy.

"Huh? Was I... just rejected? Rethinking the situation, normally, people would either ignore me... or say yes...
What a peculiar boy.

NoriakI: "Uh... My name is Kakyoin, Noriaki."

Jotaro: "Kujo Jotaro.
You're touching your thumbs with your fingers. What are you doing, exactly?"

NoriakI: "Sorry! I-I got nervous! A-And..."

Jotaro smiled softly as he eyes Noriaki's fidgeting.

Jotaro: "Wanna go grab a bite?"

Noriaki's eyes widened, and he smiled softly.

That afternoon, Noriaki went home with the young Jotaro, only for a couple of delinquent kids to start following them. They whistled, and clapped their hands aggressively.

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