Chapter LII: Kira, Like a Queen, is the Champion of the World

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Kira stood before Josuke Higashikata both before the facility.

Kira: "So... you found me... Josuke Higashikata."

Kira gave Josuke a cold smile.

Josuke gave him nothing more than rage.

Kira: "I heard Jotaro has the arrow."

Josuke: "I heard DIO has the Holy Corpse Parts..."

Kira: "Just in time to see DIO be found worthy by the Holy Corpse Parts...
Ah... never mind. He was already found worthy years ago."

Kira was a regular kid with a regular life. His father was very tame as well as his mother. Kira had no external forces that ruined his childhood or anything. He was just a regular boy with a regular life.

One day, Kira went to a museum with his family on a family trip the Louvre, and saw Da Vinci's painting, Mona Lisa. He was so enamored by the beauty of one part of her body. Her hands. Its soft texture, and soft brush strokes that probably caused it years for Leonardo to make, or so he thought.

The hands were so beautiful, that he wondered what other people's hands felt like. He'd never do it to his parents, however, because for him, that'd be weird. Kira begged his father to give him those hands. Kira had his father print out the hands. His Father loved him dearly, and gave Kira what he deserved. He'd look at the hands every evening from school, and when he hit the age of thirteen, he became sexually aroused by these hands. The hands were so luscious, so soft and beautiful, or at least he wondered that.

Kira later grew up to become a teenager. He was 15 when he became popular with the girls, becoming handsome, but had only interest in their hands. For years, he'd been keeping this a secret, keeping himself from cutting off those hands and fucking them on sight.

Kira was disgusting, to say the least.

When Kira spoke to girls, he'd always watch their hands when talking.

He even developed IED, Intermittent Explosive Disorder due to his body being under pressure at all times. Him suppressing his sexual desires caused him to randomly scream at people mid-conversation. He'd scream on and on for thirty minutes or at times even weeks on end. Kira's father then found that Kira would have a tragic future.

One faithful day, at the age of 18, Kira was shot by the arrow by DIO, in the hopes of Kira joining his little club, The Passione, as his Father got desperate and asked Kira's father for help. DIO responded by killing them in front of Kira. DIO, however, was enamored by Kira's cold response. A cold, unadulterated smile.

DIO then found something unexpected from Kira. Kira was... a different Stand-User.

Stands are a reflection of one's personality and some would share the abilities of their ancestors. 

For example, DIO hated the world, and gained Time-Stop, an ability that'd let him feel like he's in a world where he's above others. 

Whereas, Jotaro meanwhile wanted to protect the world, and gained Time-Stop to feel at peace with it, and protect it. His ability is solely based on his obsession with saving the world, after being deluded in the past with becoming a hero one day that wields a giant robot to save the world. He gained Time-Stop not to be above the world, but as an advantage against the evil in it. 

Josuke, meanwhile, gained Reformation because he wanted to fix his past, knowing that his Mother's death will forever shape his future, and therefore, Josuke was forced to become obsessed with fixing things. Josuke actually developed OCD when he was young after his mother's death, and survived by working part-time jobs. Though he grew out of it, he forever became obsessed with healing things and fixing things. Later on, he gained reformation, as he grew up and learned that only he can shape who he is.

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