Chapter VI: Yukako Yamagishi and Love Deluxe Zinc

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Jotaro, Josuke, Noriaki and Okuyasu walk to school.

Okuyasu: "Oi... Josuke! Look at that!"

Josuke: "Oh... It's the girl Koichi was talking about!"

Jotaro: "Tch-..."

Noriaki: "She seems nice."

Okuyasu begins to tear up.

Josuke: "Oi... Okuyasu... What are you crying, for?"

Okuyasu: "I'm just... happy for our friend... That's all! No! It's because I CAN'T GET ANY WOMEN!!!"

Jotaro: "Stop crying, you stupid bastard."

Okuyasu, bowing and wiping his tears immediately: "HAI, JOTARO-SENSEI!!!"

Noriaki: "What is it with kouhai being overly respectful to their senpais, us the upperclassmen? It's because you're going to be valedictorian again, aren't you, Jotaro-kun?"

Jotaro: "Hmph... Those delinquents just want to copy me. I'm only like this because people usually annoy me because their selfish and their narcissistic fucks."

Noriaki: "That's a pretty unhealthy way to look at the world."

Jotaro: "Whatever."

Jotaro eyes Yukako.

Jotaro: "Wait a minute..."

Yukako begins screaming at Koichi for talking about his friends.

She holds her cheeks in embarrassment.

Yukako: "Gome, Koichi! That was rude of me! I just get easily jealous, that's all!"

Jotaro: "I think she's a Stand-User..."

Everyone stared at her.

Jotaro: "Let's keep an eye on her later in school."

The five stare at Koichi's test scores at lunch on their eating spot, the grassy campus.

Jotaro eats some bacon and eggs sandwich with Josuke, both having Green Tea.

Okuyasu eats a pork tonkatsu bento meal with soda.

Koichi eats a seafood bento meal with milk.

Noriaki eats Sushi Bento with greem tea.

Koichi: "Jotaro! Your study habits didn't work for me!"

Josuke: "Onii-sama... I don't think that telling others to force themselves to memorize things by just reading things five times is an excellent way of studying."

Jotaro: "Hm?"

Jotaro gives Josuke a cold look.

Josuke: "G-G-Gomenasai, Onii-sama! It's just that you have an eidetic memory, unlike most of us!"

Koichi: "Aren't you top thirty, Josuke?"

Josuke: "Yeah... I started studying hard when I met Onee-san..."

Koichi: "Can you help me next week?"

Josuke thinks for a second.

Josuke: "Uh... Koichi? Isn't it that Yukako keeps on screaming at you?"

Koichi: "Yeah?"

Josuke: "So... What if you keep having low scores... just for now... to make her uninterested in you?"

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