Chapter XIX: Enya and Shadow Justice

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The Stardust Crusaders stop a hundred kilometers away from sydney for a break, as the RV is filled with holes and Josuke needs to repair it. However, they find themselves in a misty town.

The people walk aimlessly, and looked creepy and pale.

Jotaro: "Hm...."

Joseph stops by to meet an old woman who calls herself Enya.

Joseph: "'Ello, Gov'na! The name's Joseph Joestar! These are... my friends! We need to sleep in a hotel... We've been... Well... I've been awake for 20 bloody hours.
Please... Help me... I beg of you, mate. Please... Or I'll die from sleep deprivation!"

???: "Right this way, Mr. Joestar!"

The old woman leads them to a hotel in the middle of the misty town.

Jotaro: "Hm..."

Polnareff walked downstairs to look for a good toilet, and ends up in the bathroom.

Polnareff: "Oh mon Dieu! Zis place is disgusting! Ze toilet hasn't been cleaned at all! And ze stench! Fuck!"

Polnareff ran outside and walked back upstairs.

Enya smiled.

Enya: "I'm going to kill you, Polnareff, for killing my precious son, Centerfold... I, Enya Geil, shall cut out your testicles and have them for dinner!"


Hol Horse opens the hotel and meets with Enya.

Enya: "My, my! Hol Horse! If it isn't my son's friend!"

Hol Horse: "R-Right... Ms. Enya! I need your help! The Stardust Crusaders have-..."

Enya: "Yes, they killed my son. Sit down."

The two sit down in the manager's quarter's couch.

Enya: "Where you good friends with my son, Hol Horse?"

Hol Horse laughed awkwardly.

Hol Horse: "Definitely. Definitely. He was my best friend, pardner!"

Hol Horse summoned his gun from behind, as Enya's eyes squint.

Suddenly, holes appear around Hol Horse's arms.

Hol: "WHAT THE HELL?!!!"

Enya smiled.

Enya: "I know that you left my son to die, filth! You let my precious baby fight that bastard, Polnareff alone! DIE, HOL HORSE!!"

Hol Horse's gun points to his face and shoots him in the face.

Enya: "Then again, Lord DIO may have other uses for you..."


Polnareff walked down the stairs and met up with Enya,

Polnareff: "Zis place is really beautiful, Ms. Enya!"

Enya: "Why, thank you, Polnareff!

Polnareff: "Do you have a son?"

Enya: "Y-... Yes...

Polnareff: "Wouldn't it be great if you'd have grandchildren, and zey'd be running around in zese glorified halls?"

Polnareff turned around to look at the beautiful hoyel

Enya trembled in anger.

Enya: "Fuck you, Polnareff. My son whom you kill, I will avenge. My husband died at a young age, and I raised him all alone. To compensate for money, I decided to work for DIO for years, even gaining loyalty for the man... my son was going to marry a beautiful girl from the Middle East of Italian Descent... And you killed him!"

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