Chapter I: Prometheus and Hercules Just Want to Play Stardew Valley

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"Sometime I ask myself...
Why did I get this Stand?
Why did I gain Heaven, if I was never meant to win that day?"

Hercules and Prometheus are playing Stardew Valley. (Again... Read Prometheus and Carl Adventures, in The Olympians, It's terrible, but you are reading this book, so...).

Prometheus: "Herc. Hand me the beer."

Hercules hands him the beer.

Prometheus: "Herc... Dude.. I caught an Angler."

Hercules: "Come on! You said you'd save that for me!"

Prometheus: You snooze, you loose, kid.


A portal opens into their living room. Prometheus and Hercules quickly prepare to fight.

Hercules immediately puts his hands on his waists, and smiles and laughs like an overpowered superhero.

Hercules: "Who goes there?!"

Jotaro: "Me."

A man with a black leather coat and baseball cap, with a purple shirt, golden chain hanging from his left collar, black pants and a belt with a yellow and green triangle design, enters their living room. 

Jotaro: "Prometheus. Snap back my universe and the 2 other universes you destroyed, or I'll knock you down." 

"Done!" cried Prometheus, raising his hands, as he transforms into Hell Fire and as he then snaps it all back with his right hand. He morphs back. 

Jotaro: "Great. How is it?"

Jotaro punched a portal and left.

Prometheus opens a portal and checks the three Universes Timeline C-137: 8, 517 and 618.

 All he could see was darkness, and all he could hear was, "All Hail Dio... All Hail Dio..." in each of the universes. 

He comes back. 

Prometheus: "Pretty good! Yeah!
There was like... This really beautiful set of birds and stuff, flying over my head in the beautiful grassy grassland of paradise!
Yeah! Good job, Guy!
Your universe is back to normal!"

The man opens another portal somehow, with a loud punching noise occurring, as he then walks out. 

Prometheus and Hercules go back to gaming.

Hercules: "You destroyed 3 universes?" 

Prometheus: "Guess so. It was an accident. I killed your dad, by the way." 

Hercules: "Cool." 

Prometheus: "Well that was a kick in the-..."


A large fist, invisible to Hercules but visible to Prometheus, punches Prometheus out into the window, as he screams and lands on the concrete ground with the people below screaming and running away in fear. 


The young man climbs down with a larger, purple man is behind him. 

Prometheus sees this a laughs. 

The man lands before him as women yell behind him.


The women stopped screaming.

Women, blushing: "Okay!!!"

Jotaro: "Tch-!"

 Prometheus hollers.

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