Chapter XLIII: Jotaro and Anne Want the Perfect Dinner

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Jotaro: "Yare yare daze... Do you really want to do this, Anne-chan?"

Anne: "H-Hai..."

Anne squirmed as Jotaro sighed.

Jotaro and Anne walked up to Tonio and Rohan, who are both working on Pink Dragon.

Jotaro: "Tonio, Rohan. Give us the...
Yare yare... I hate speaking like this to people... I really hate asking for favors...
Please give us the perfect dinner night..."

Rohan smiled devilishly.

Tonio smiled wholesomely.

Tonio: "Why, of course, Jotaro Kujo!"

Trish: "HELL YES!!! I'VE WON!!!"

Trish shows her deck, which showed a royal flush.

Josuke: "Trish... We're playing Uno... Where'd you even get those cards?"

Mista sneered quietly.

Trish: "Mista! You tricked me!"

Mista laughed mockingly.

Okuyasu: "Oi... Josuke... I don't really get this game... Rohan invented it, right? I don't really understand how it works... What does this card mean, for example?"

Okuyasu shows his cards.

Josuke: "Oi...."

Koichi: "Okuyasu-kun... Geez... You're not supposed to show your cards..."

Yukako: "Okuyasu-kun, you should really learn the rules..."

Okuyasu: "Sumimasen...
Oh!!! Maybe if I draw this card!"

Okuyasu draws the Reverse Card.

Josuke: "Ie.... We have to repeat everything."

Joseph: "Bloody 'ell! This card games pretty bloody boring!"

Jotaro: "Old man... This is a card game about patience and intellect... You can't just say it's boring..."

Joseph: "Back in my day, Anne... Your Great-Great Uncle Caesar and I would climb trees!
They called me JoJo Monkey back in the day!"

Anne: "Geez, Gramps... This card game's really special to me... Don't just go around and call it boring..."

Joseph: "Well, it bloody is boring!
Where's Polnareff and Avdol? I need to play with them and show you kids real gambling!"

Jotaro: "Polnareff and Avdol are buying groceries right now... For-...

Anne punches his shoulder.

Josuke: "Why the hell did you just immediately stop talking, Onii-sama?"

Jotaro stayed quiet.

Anne stayed quiet as well.

Josuke: "This is a weird atmosphere I'm sensing from these two..."

Josuke: "Oi... Onii-sama... You okay?"

Jotaro stayed quiet, and drew another card.

Josuke: "Hm..."

Everyone silently played along.

Giorno: "You're acting rather strange, Jotaro-kun..."

Noriaki: "Yes, I agree with Giono... You've been acting rather weird lately today...
Are you sick or something?"

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