Chapter XXXIV: Heaven's Horse and Hero's Dragon Soul of Heaven

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Polnareff sulked in the corner.

Polnareff: "I'm going to die alone...
I'm a turtle, for God's sake...
They say that the only two ways I could ever have children is with a Turtle or another Stand..."

Polnareff lets Chariot Requiem grab his old bag.

Polnareff: "Hon hon...
Look at me... a Lonely French Man while a bunch of teenagers are having Romance-fueled love life."

Polnareff accidentally rubs his lamp.

Suddenly, Lavender Judgment appeared.

Judgment: "AHA HA HA HA HA!!!

Polnareff: "Oh... Hey..."

Polnareff sulked on the corner.

His eyes widen as he lifted his head from sulking, and quickly turned to Judgment-chan.

Judgment: "What?"

Polnareff smiled deviously.

Judgment: "Your staring is creeping me out...
Is there something on my armor?"

Polnareff stared at her.

Polnareff: "My first wish is for you to take off your armor."

Judgment: "AS YOU WISH... MASTER!!!
HAAAIL 2-!!!
What the f-..."

Jotaro slams the table with the cross in his hand.

Jotaro: "The only way for you to get your powers back is to get stabbed by this cross with you... WANTING to be the One Punch Man again..."

Normie Saitama: "I was already beaten by so many people!
I've already tasted the dirt of defeat...
There's no need for me to be strong again...
I don't want to be a hero for fun again..."

Jotaro: "Saitama...
The only way we can beat Boros is for a Serious Punch and a new ability you need to develop.
We can't touch him, Saitama...
Maybe Mista's ability could work.... but Boros is too fast on his feet... he's even faster than me.
Go on, SAITAMA!!!
His Durability is said to be sturdier than we can handle...
Only one with Infinite Power can punch him."

Saitama: "No...
I wish not to compensate to your loss.
Let Goku or Vegeta do it.
Also, if I were to punch him, I'd touch him as well..."

Jotaro: "Saitama...
If you kill him at that moment, his ability will have no effect on you..."

Saitama: "I'VE MADE UP MY MIND, JOJO!!!!"

Saitama punched Jotaro, only for him to grab his hand as his hand trembled.

Saitama gritted his teeth.

Jotaro: "If that's true...
Then you were never really a hero..."

Jotaro lets go as Saitama fell to the ground on his knees.

Jotaro walked away in utter disgust for Saitama.

Saitama sighed.

He stood up and walked to his room.

Mob stops him.

Mob: "Why?"

Saitama sighed.

Saitama: "Because absolute power corrupts absolutely.
For me, it corrupted me in a different way...
It took away every bit of humanity I had left...
I'd rather be humane...

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