Chapter XLVIII: Casablanca

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Mista remembered something....

When Mista was younger, he fell in love with a beautiful blonde Italian woman in Venice. As years passed, the two gew closer together and she requieted his feelings.

Her name was Agatha La Russo. She was a beautiful woman who loved him dearly, but he didn't notice the red flags.

She always screamed at him, beat him, and often made him cry. He was forced to do everything for this woman. Even if she hated him, hurt him, insult and berate him and forced him into bed, he'd always heed her word and keep loving her.

Mista grew to have a very low self-esteem as time went on. Soon, Mista grew to become more and more dependent on her opinion on himself, even becoming seen as pathetic by other women and his friends.

This woman was the one who was being beaten by Mista and caused him to get arrested. Bruno Bucciarati revealed that she wasn't being beaten at all, but was cheating on him. She just wants rougher sex with other men at the time. Mista, heartbroken, blamed himself for "not loving her enough".


Vegeta sighs.

Vegeta and Trish are shopping on Earth 607 for toy guns.

Vegeta: "What the honest fuck are you doing, Spoiled Girl?"

Trish: "I decided that I should return Mista's favors. I made him shop every day for me, after all. So I asked him if he could make me shop for him."

Vegeta: "You asked him to make you his own personal shopping servant today?"

Trish: "Yeah."

Vegeta: "Why?
Who would want to be someone's servant for a day? What kind of bloody masochism is that person into?"

Trish: "Yeah...
I always wonder too..."

Vegeta sighed.

Vegeta: "That person must like rough sex!
Or being choked and manhandled by their partner!!!"

Trish: "Gross..."

Vegeta: "They must like to lick their partner's boots and get whipped all day!"

Trish: "Vegeta, please stop."

Vegeta: "They must like calling their partner Daddy, regardless of their sex or gender!!!
They must like watching Green Inferno!
The Saw Movies!
Or movies like 365 days!!! Or Fight Club!!! OR SECRETARY!!!"

Trish: "You done?"

Vegeta stopped talking for a  moment.


Trish: "Jesus Christ..."

The two finish shopping and teleport home to the ship.

Trish sighs in relief.

Trish: "God... I am beat!"

Trish opens some Hetap and drinks.

Vegeta: "Christ, woman!
It's 9AM in the fucking morning!"

Trish: "Eh..."

Trish slurps some more of the bubbly brew.

Vegeta: "Ugh...
You remind me of my wife.

The two knock on Mista's room.

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