Chapter XVI: Hanged Man Brown and Silver Emperor

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Polnareff went to a toilet to wash.

Polnareff: "Ah... What a good toiletry they have in Australia! Hoho!!!"

Suddenly, he sees a figure in the mirror that suddenly disappeared.

Polnareff's eyes squint.


Avdol and Polnareff walked in the streets in search for another one of DIO's men.

Avdol: "Mr. Joestar told us to search for another Stand-User as punishment for our actions in the last town. Koichi and Rohan are off to find Giorno, who seems to be stealing again. The kleptomaniac needs to take a break from stealing. Now, to search for the users of Hanged Man and the Emperor."

Polnareff: "Sounds easy enough..."


Polnareff immediately cuts through the bullet.

Hol Horse stood behind Polnareff and Avdol as they turned around.

Avdol: "Such shameless display of warrior's honor."

Hol Horse laughed.

Hol Horse, in a Southerner accent: "Well, I'll be. If it ain't Jean Pierre Polnareff and Muhammad Avdol, traitors to the Major Arcana."

Hol Horse scoffed.

Hol Horse: "The gun is mightier than the sword, Polnareff."

Polnareff: "Huh?"

Hol Horse: "The gun... is mightier... than the sword."

Suddenly, Hol Horse's Stand appears in such a quick pace, faster than Polnareff's movements, as it shoots a bullet.

Polnareff tries to slice the bullet, only for it to move slightly to the right, as it charges to Polnareff's face.

Avdol pushes him down as the bullet curves to the air.

Avdol: "RED BIND!!!"

Tentacles appear and bind Hol Horse's hands, all the way to his fingers, stopping him from pulling the trigger.

Hol: "You're gonna regret that, pardner."


Avdol is nearly stabbed. Polnareff blocks the knife, which is in the mirror dimension in a puddle under them.

Polnareff: "Avdol! Let's go!"

Polnareff runs in the speed of light, grabbing Avdol as the mirror man follows.

Polnareff: "His movement... Could it be? ZE MAN WHO KILLED MY SISTER!!!"

Polnareff stops and sees the man in a window before them, and observes.

Two right hands.

Polnareff: "Batard!!!"

The mirror man then ends up in the reflection of Polnareff's eye.


Polnareff is flown up.

Avdol: "How do we get him out of there?!"

Avdol stayed still midair.

Polnareff: "I don't know... I'll have to stab my eye out..."

Polnareff flips a coin as the reflection shoned in the coin.

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