Chapter XIV: Devo and Ebony Devil

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The Crusaders end up in a port on the north of Australia.

Joseph: "We can't go to a ship for a while, so we have to go across the whole continent on transport."

Everyone: "NANI?!!!"

Jotaro: "That's take too long, old man! She'd die by the time we'd get there!"

Joseph: "Calm down. We'll figure something out. First, let's rest in a hotel for a while."

Jotaro and Noriaki end up in an arcade. The two silently stare at the arcade and turn to each other.

Noriaki: "Jotaro-kun, you want to play Street Fighter?"

Jotaro nods softly as the two walk in.


Avdol and Polnareff end up sharing a room.

Polnareff checks for some water or a drink, but Avdol's drinks are empty.

Polnareff is called by Joseph through his mind.

Polnareff: "Yes, Mr. Joestar?"

Joseph: "There's a Stand-User out there who calls himself Devo. Look out for him, Polnareff."

Polnareff: "Sure, sure..."

Polnareff eyes a creepy ventriloquist doll on the table.

Polnareff: "Mr. Joestar, do you zink you can just sense him, instead?"

Joseph: "There are two many Aussie in the place... I can't detect him.
Not because their Australians, because they're a lot of them... NOT THAT THAT'S A PROBLEM-..."

Polnareff hangs up.

Polnareff: "Avdol... Zere's a doll-wielding Stand-User around here.... Avdol?"

Avdol meditates on the bed.

Polnareff: "Learn to live a little, my friend! Come on! Let's have a few shots in ze bar downstairs!"

Avdol: "Don't count me in."


Suddenly, Avdol is meditating on the bar stool with Polnareff beside him.

Avdol: "Polnareff-..."

Polnareff: "Learn to chill out, my friend!"

Avdol: "Hmph..."

Polnareff: "Geez, you're such a party pooper. Bonjour, Mr. Bartender. Give me something that could hit real hard."

Polnareff is given Devil Springs Vodka.

Suddenly, Avdol notices something about the bartender.

Avdol: "Excuse me, sir. Have I seen you from anywhere before?"

The Bartender turned to him: "Have you, Magician?"

Avdol's eyes widen.

Avdol: "Devo!"

Devo the Bartender: "Hello, Avdol... EBONY DEVIL!!!"

Suddenly, the doll from each room appeared behind the pair.

Polnareff, talking to Avdol: "So, I was like, 'Hell no! Americans are very stupid!' Then Joseph was like, 'I know what you're going to say next!' And... guess what! He did know after all! What? What are you looking at?"

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