Chapter XLI: Doppio Wants to Serve the King

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"Hello there! My name is Vinegar Doppio! I am the best subordinate and underboss to The Boss! Diavolo! We're basically best friends!"

Vinegar stares at a picture of himself perfectly cut out to make it seem like he's embracing Doppio.

Doppio: "I am the friendly and happy go lucky very friendly friend of my best friend Diavolo. Golly, Diavolo will probably call me at any sec-...
Hello? What's that?
Mr. Diavolo, sir?"

Doppio brings out his phone as a voice "emerged from the phone".

Doppio: "Mr. Diavolo sir?"

Diavolo: "Doppio... Where the fuck have you been?!"

Doppio: "Oh! I've just been around town! I've been collecting more members for Passione like you said!
36, right? 36 members?"

Diavolo: "Yes... They have to be criminals, Doppio."

Doppio: "Gee whiz! Thanks Diavolo!
Toot, toot, toot, toot, toot. Brrrrrrrrr....
Whoopsiedaisy! Looks like the call ended! Ha ha! What a nice fellow my Boss is!
JEEPERS!!! Here I am in Rome and having a wonderful time... I wonder what'll happen next to me for today?"

Joseph and the others arrive in Venice, where they are met with a bodyguard who held a pistol.

Joseph: "Who the bloody 'ell are you supposed to be?"

???: "Giorno... This is supposed to be our new boss?
He looks rather weird."

The man takes a whiff out of Joseph.

Giorno: "Oi! Mista! Don't do that! That's gross and weird!"

Mista: "Sorry...
Welcome to Venizia, Stardust Crusaders."

Joseph: "Hello, Italian gunslinger. The name's Joseph Joestar."

Jotaro: "Kujo Jotaro.
Tch-... You stop sniffing me."

Anne grabs Jotaro: "Back off, Mister.
Pun unintended."

Guido sniffs her as she backs away.

Josuke: "Huh... This guy's about our age.
Higashikata Josuke."

Giorno: "This is Guido Mista. He's my most loyal friend."

Yukako: "Why do you keep sniffing us, you piece of shit?"

Guido points his gun to her head.

Guido, pointing a gun to her head: "Shut the fuck up, you bitch!"

Giorno: "Mista..."

Guido eyes Koichi.

Guido: "What are you looking at, shortie?"

Koichi: "What's that? I can't here you up there. You're so tall you could bridge us to the moon."

Mista points his gun to Koichi's head.

Koichi, unafraid, uses 3 Freeze and puts Guido's gun down.

Trish: "Damn it, Guido. Stop sniffing our guests."

Mista: "Sex Pistols allow me to sense the smell of enemy Stands.
Just checking, Trish."

Joseph: "The others are in the turtle...
Bloody 'ell..."

Polnareff: "Ah... Italia! The place that ripped off the French."

Avdol: "Polnareff..."

Polnareff: "What? It's only natural for a Frenchman like me to insult a different country.
Christ, I'm kidding. Stop looking at me like zat."

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