Chapter XXVIII: Yoshihiro Kira and Killer Ox

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Yoshihiro walked around in the new planet the Crusaders have landed on, as the ship flies away.

The soil started to harden and dust as he walked around.

Suddenly, a bull-like humanoid Stand appeared from behind him.

It has horns and a muscular body, but unlike most Stands, it has sharp teeth.

Yoshihiro Kira Jr., is Kira's older brother.

Like Norisuke, his ability is to decay any object.

Unlike Norisuke, its range is much larger, and it can decay almost anything, and the User has no control of it.

Saitama: "Shit...
The planet's decaying... We have to leave."

Yoshihiro then began to fly, as he got closer to the ship.

He flew into space, as the Crusaders kept on flying away.

Killer Ox
Abilities: Decay-Any living thing or object in its Range will decay.
Power: A
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: E
Potential: B

Holy: "Shh...
It's okay...
Your Uncle won't kill you guys!"

Josefumi and Shizuka cried.

Jolyne: "Tch-!"

Jotaro looked outside.

Jotaro: "He's gaining on us..."

Yoshihiro remembered something...

Long ago, Yoshihiro was Kira's closest companion, growing up in the Suburban town of Morioh. As they grew older, Yoshikage became their parent's favorite, even giving him gifts, while he was forced to study and work hard to become the next Heir of the family in their company.

As years went by, Yoshikage fled off and no one knew of what happened to him, and Yoshihiro became depressed and distant with his family.

He was abused by his tutors...

"Pathetic, Yoshihiro!!!!"

"We will tell your parents that you didn't study IF YOU DON'T DO THIS RIGHT!!!"

"You're an idiot, trash, scum...
No wonder your brother left the family."

Yoshihiro was painted with these insults his entire life.

In school, he wasn't very sociable, and therefore was bullied for being found out of being rich.

Years later, a beautiful woman helped him get through and roll with the punches, but her boyfriend got jealous, and accused him of trying to rape her.

He was hated and everyone saw him as a villain.

Yoshihiro even started believing those lies and rumors, seeing that he is the villain of his own story...

Soon, his rage turned into decay, when he entered Passione and reunited with his brother, who had already taken care of their parents.

Kira stabbed him with an arrow, and soon entered the 12 Chinese Zodiacs.


The saliva of Yoshihiro's Stand foams as it pants violently and viciously. Its sharp teeth shine and glisten as the Star's Rays strike it.

Yoshihiro: "So...
The children of Yoshikage, the Users of Killer Softly (The Boy) and Killer King (The Girl) are there..."

Holy: "Oh my!
Mob, is that true?
Is that their real Stand Names?"

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