Chapter LII: Unter Lightning, Like a Giant, is a Dangerous Foe to Battle Against

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DIO: "The Endgame is nearing...
Each of them... will surely... die.
My plan... worked..."

Saitama kept on getting crushed by the Iron Giant.

ONE... PUNCH!!!"


Saitama begun to breathe heavily.

Genos watched from the ship.

Saitama's Stand, his baldness, started to retract.

Saitama began to spit out blood.

Saitama: "Why is my Stand retracting?"

Iron Giant: "The probability of Daisuke Saitama to die now...
Is surely... high..."



Mob: "NO!!!"

77%, 78%, 79%, 80%, 81%, 82%,83%, 84%

Iron Giant: "The probability of Saitama being dead under my foot... is 50/50."

He slowly opens his foot.

The Jump Force looked in horror, as they saw Saitama, dead. 

He looked rather clean for a dead man, but the impact actually killed him due to trauma in the head.

Mob: "S-Saitama?"

Everyone stared in horror, as Saitama's lifeless body was continued to be pummeled.

Josuke: "SAITAMA!!!"

Mob: "HE'S NOT DEAD!!!"

Iron Giant Requiem: "The probability of him being alive is 0%"

Goku: "Don't worry!
We can use the Dragon Balls to-!"

Iron Giant Requiem laughed mockingly.

Iron Giant Requiem: "You haven't heard?
All of the Universes... has been erased...

Goku: "H-Huh?!
You're joking!"

Iron Giant Requiem grabbed Goku and shot him down to the ground.

Goku: "YOU'RE LYING!!!"

Iron Giant Requiem: "Death... truly is... tasteful..."

Iron Giant Requiem removed his foot, as he loomed over them.

Mob began to cry.

Mob: "Mr... Saitama..."

His eyes are blank, as steam began to emit from his body.


Mob went... 1000%

Mob exploded as he began to attack the Iron Giant, who is immune to all of his attacks.

Mob uses a Psycho Wave to slice the Giant in half.

Trish: "The universes... are destroyed?
That's impossible...

We were just talking to them yesterday...
What kind of monster can do such a thing?"

Mista grabbed Trish's shoulder.

Mista: "Calm down...
All we can do now is to get out of here.
We've lost to him."

Josuke charges.

Kaato: "Josuke!



Josuke stucks the creature's foot into a socket in the ground.

Josuke: "DIE!!!"

Josuke reforms Iron Giant's foot and melts it.

Giorno: "JOSUKE!!!


Josuke... was shot in the head.

Goku Black appeared behind him.

Goku Black: "Oh... how sad...
I've just killed a Joestar...
I wonder why DIO had trouble in killing at least one of them."

Kaato: "N-No...

Giorno flew and attacked Goku Black, who used his Psycho Wave to hold Giorno down.

Iron Giant: "The probability of Giorno resetting to zero at all... is zero..."

Giorno's eyes widen.

Giorno: "FUCK!!!"

Reverse Flash appeared behind them.

Reverse Flash: "Each of you...
Will die...
In this ambush attack."

Mob shot at The Iron Giant repeatedly, as Goku Black joined in and shot a Psycho bomb to Mob, who dodges and fought them in the air, zooming in the winds.

Goku lets himself gets absorbed by the Giant and tries to find the gears by trying to do what Vegeta does: vibrating himself.

Reverse Flash then battles Polnareff, as Cell and Freeza sneer in the sky.

Diavolo appears as well, ready for combat.

Kars appears and faces Anne.

Anne uses Star Platinum to battle Kars.

Freeza: "My my...
An ambush attack but with a secret weapon!
How amazing!
I could just kill each of them like they're nothing!"

Freeza Death Beams Trish, as Mista redirects the bullet,




Goku swims in the Stand's body, as it looked like a giant tall ocean. Goku swims and searched for their gears, as gears began to chase him.

He screams in a muffled manner and swims away, still searching for the gears.


Avdol and Genos look on in the computers.

Avdol: "Shit...
Do we do something?"

Genos: "Let's take care of the children first...
Master would've told me the same thing."


Sonny battles against Kars as well, punching him with Apollo Platinum.


Kars uses his blade to stab Sonny in the head, killing him.

Note: FATE.

Yukako is then decapitated by Freeza's Destructo Disc.


Koichi, in anger, 3 Freezes Freeza, as Cell easily kicked him down and crushed his head with his foot.


Goku swims out, taking the three gears out, and is met... by Freeza...

Note: ON.

The Search of a True Ending, was Hard in Writing This. That is why, I will remove the ones in the way first, before the true suffering comes.

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