Chapter I: New York's JoJo

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Fifty Years... Later...

June 1, 1939

A muscular man with brown hair, about the height of 195 centimeters loomed before a Cola stand.

Cola: "You sure you haven't had one of these before? They're really good! Try one!"

Suddenly, an African-American kid steals the wallet and runs to the alleyway.

Cola Guy: "That bastard just stole your wallet? Should we call the police?"

Suddenly, the African-American kid, named Smokey Brown, is caught and beaten by cops.

Cop 1: "Well, well. One of those monkeys seemed to have stolen some grub! Smokey Brown, right? I have an idea! Give us half of what you steal every week, and I'll let you off the hook, monkey!"

Cop 2: "I sure can't wait to get some of that grub, chief!"

??? in a thick New Yorker accent: "Uh... Hey. Hi! How can I say this... Eh... That wallet is actually a gift to him, officer! Bollocks! Please... Forgive me if he caused some intrusion, mate."

Cop 2: "Is he using British slang in a New Yorker accent?"

Cop 1: "Psh... Yeah, right. We caught this monkey red-handed."

??? in a thick New Yorker accent: "Oi! You can't just call them people monkeys! They're black people! They're like the best people in the planet! They invented music, you know? And... Voodoo. That's cool, right? Eh? Come on, officers! Give me five, mate!"

The man asks for a high-five by raising his hand.

The cops point their guns to the man.

???: "Oh hell no... You didn't just point your God forsaken American guns on a Brit. Nobody... points an American gun to a Brit. You got that, mate?"

They don't listen and keep their guns pointed to him.

???: "Your mistake! Tell you what? I don't really like dirty cops all that much, but I'll let you off with a warning!"

Suddenly, golden energy surrounded the man's body, as well as golden lightning, rippling around his body.

The cola he's holding is then charged, as the bottle cap is shot to the man's finger, breaking it apart from the rest of the hand. The blood gushes out as the cop screams in pain.

???: "Oh hells yeah, mate."

Smokey is shocked by what he had just done. He didn't understand how this guy could do it. Then he remembered about the mystical warriors of India.

Smokey: "You're a Hamon-User!"

Cop 2: "Resisting arrest!"

???: "I don't see no cuffs on me or on ya! See ya in hell!"

The man then punches the cop in the face: "OVERDRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!"

The man defeated the two cops with relative ease.

???: "Oh, bollocks! Granny Erina is going to have a field day with me on this one! I'm outta here!"

The man runs away as Smokey followed.

Smokey: "He's a Hamon-User who has balls to beat two cops but is afraid of his Grandmother? Is he actually just a dumbass?!"

Smokey stood before the man under a bridge.

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