Chapter IV: Jotaro Loops the Timelines

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Goku: "Can we eat now?"

Saitama: "You must be talking about that kid from City M who goes to Salt Middle School."

Jotaro: "What's his name?"

Saitama: "Well... I met him once... He was my only fan, I guess."

Jotaro: "What's his name, asshole?!"

Saitama: "Oh... Uh... Mob."

Goku: "So, what happened here?"

Saitama: "I was just walking in the street feeling down and crap, then this portal came and this guy named DIO showed up. I punched him..."

Goku: "Then?"

Saitama: "That's the first time someone wasn't affected by my punches. Then I punched him again, this time I was serious. He spat out some blood. He then realized I was dangerous. So he went on to punch me several times.... Then I looked around, and everything was destroyed. Then I saw Genos' parts before me."

Goku: "Well that probably got you nettled, Mr. Saitama."

Saitama: "My first name's Daisuke. Call me by that!"

Vegeta: "Saitama sounds much more badass.

Vegeta then drinks up some Hetap.

Jotaro: "It's 8:00 in the morning." 

Vegeta: "Hetap...
I killed for less."

Goku: "What do you do for a living?"

Saitama: "Oh, I'm a hero for fun."

Goku gasps: "Me too! Did you know that I saved the whole uni-..."

The conversation of the two continue in the background.

Prometheus looks at the destruction the four caused.

Prometheus: "Right, this is a version of One Punch Man Universe where everyone has a first name for once. God, this place is all f*cked up, like the original timeline of Earth 1 all over again, the Snyder version. Then the second loop came, and then Batman didn't exist, instead Green Arrow took his place. Oh sorry... Talking too much. So Vegeta! Why'd you call?"

Vegeta: "You didn't tell us he was a f*cking tank, you dumbass!
I could've fused with Kakarot, which I'd hate...
But I WOULD'VE!!!"

Prometheus: "You wouldn't."

Vegeta: "I COULD'VE!!!"

Prometheus: "You couldn't."

Goku: "He should've."

Prometheus: "Yes.
Right. My bad. I have a really tight schedule today. Gotta go meet Alfred for a two-month fishing lesson."

JoJo: "Wait. Prometheus. Tell me, who is this Mob."

Prometheus: "Oh. Ask Saitama. He knows him. After all, the kid's his number one fan. By the way, 2 enemies from the past, 1 from the future. Three enemies per universe, but they also have minions... so... Watch out, kid. Also..."

Prometheus snaps his fingers. Camping materials appear.

Prometheus: "Stay away from houses in the middle of the desert. And you can't open a portal, or else DIO and his army destroys everything and a Triniversal Loop occurs.""

Stardust Crusade (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora