Birthday Boy

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Ao3 by : allie (sobangchan)

Summary :

“Time for your birthday spankings.”

“My what?” Yoongi says, his brow furrowing.

“Your birthday spankings!” Yoongi’s eyes grow wide. “I mean, if you don’t want to, we do-”

“No, I want,” Yoongi interrupts, breathing in deeply and breathing out harshly.

“I want.”


Yoongi awakes to an empty bed.

It’s not unusual, he tends to sleep in later than the rest of his group mates when they have days off, and even though Taehyung enjoys sleeping in, he still wakes up earlier than Yoongi.

He stretches, pointing his toes and reaching his arms high above his head, yawning and whining softly. There are few things better than a good stretch right after waking up. He settles back down on the bed, relaxing completely, letting his eyes fall closed again. He won’t fall back to sleep, not unless he lies here for a long time, and he knows he should get up. Should take advantage of the day off. After all, it’s not typical to have a day off on one of their birthdays, usually they’re so busy and have a full schedule, and only late in the evening can they celebrate together with dinner, or sometimes even just a cake. He’ll do a vlive, and the others will more than likely barge in - they all know the fans love it when they visit each other while they’re live. 

Yoongi reaches for his phone, finds their group chat already full of messages - messages that he ignores in lieu of going onto twitter and weverse to see what the fans have to say. He smiles, their enthusiasm and kind words warming his chest. Feeling energized by the fans words, he gets up, reasoning that he’s been in bed long enough - after all, it’s almost noon. He goes to the bathroom, runs a comb through his hair, a little wild from sleeping on it wet, but soft after washing it last night. 

When he emerges from his and Taehyung’s room, he finds the rest of his friends in the living room playing video games. Jeongguk sees him first, and he throws both of his hands up in the air, screeching.

“Happy birthday hyung!”

The others join in, game forgotten for the moment, and he’s accosted by hugs and pats on the back. Though one, in particular, hangs back. Taehyung watches from the other side of the room, a smile on his face. Yoongi’s brow furrows. It’s not like Taehyung to withhold affection - not at all. The others know about their relationship. It was a secret for about two months before one of them inevitably heard them, and they had to sit down and tell them. That was a year ago, and they’re incredibly happy together. Which is why Yoongi’s confused that Taehyung’s not joining in on wishing him a happy birthday. 

“G’morning, Taehyung-ah.” He says, and when they all settle back down to restart their game, he sits in the empty space between Namjoon and Jimin.

Taehyung’s still staring at him, though he’s yet to say anything.


“Good morning, hyung.” He says, finally, and Yoongi’s reassured by the soft tone of his voice.

He settles back to watch them play their games, one leg crossed over the other’s knee. As they enjoy themselves, laughing and talking, Jimin, on his right, ends up leaning a lot of his weight on him, cuddling up to him in a way that’s normal for them, but then Yoongi spies Taehyung watching them from the corner of his eye, and he feels a slight thrill when he sees what he’s pretty sure is jealousy in Taehyung’s gaze. He smirks. It’s been a few days since they’ve been able to really enjoy each other, having had a busy week up until today. 

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