Someone Else's Paradise

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Ao3 by : taented00


It’s really unfair the affect Kim Taehyung has on Min Yoongi.

It’s also really fucking unfair that Kim Taehyung is not Min Yoongi’s soulmate.


It’s really unfair the affect Kim Taehyung has on Min Yoongi.

The way that Taehyung can make Yoongi beg for more just by pressing his warm lips to Yoongi’s throat.

The way that every part of him aches with pleasure when Taehyung’s pretty mouth is wrapped around him.

The way his heart fucking pounds so loud it hurts his skull when they kiss.

The sound of Taehyung’s deep, dizzy hearted laugh.

The way Taehyung smiles at him, reminding Yoongi that he is pathetically in love. 

It’s also really fucking unfair that Kim Taehyung is not Min Yoongi’s soulmate.

Yoongi knows exactly when his relationship with Taehyung moved out of ‘just friends’ to ‘friends with benefits’.

It was years after meeting Taehyung in Daegu. It was years after Yoongi realized that he had a massive crush on his younger best friend. It was only months after they moved in together in Seoul with Namjoon to get independence from their parents. 

He isn’t exactly sure what changed. Only that one night when Taehyung came to cuddle with him, as he usually did, the look in Taehyung’s eyes had been different. Finally, Yoongi had given into years of wanting Taehyung.

But shortly after the two of them had started to fool around, Yoongi had promised himself he would end things with Taehyung sooner rather than later. But every time his self-imposed deadline came, he pushed it back in an act of self-destruction.

For the last three years, Yoongi has been unable to quit Kim Taehyung.

That’s why he is here, his back pressed against the comforter and Taehyung crawling over the top of him, pressing wet kisses against Yoongi’s throat.

He moans as Taehyung’s hand palms at his crotch.

Goosebumps race down his spine in eager anticipation. No matter how many times Taehyung has touched him, every time feels like the first time.

Taehyung’s fingers slide underneath the waist band of Yoongi’s sweatpants, prompting a soft moan that spills from Yoongi’s lips.

He sees Taehyung smirk in satisfaction in the muted darkness of his bedroom. He hates how Taehyung knows just how much of an affect he has on him.

Yoongi’s hips move up toward the younger boy as Taehyung’s fingers wrap around him. Taehyung kisses up Yoongi’s jawline, the trail of kisses stops right before Yoongi’s lips. He pulls away and the look in Taehyung’s eyes is hypnotizing and intoxicating. Yoongi licks his own lips, craving to be kissed.

The younger ducks his head down, pressing his lips fully against Yoongi’s. It starts off slow, just like the strokes Taehyung is making on his dick. Yoongi bucks his hips, seeking more. Taehyung obliges, and starts to kiss him harder, faster, the pace of his hand increasing.

“Taehyung-ah.” Yoongi moans into Taehyung’s mouth.

He needs Taehyung.

“Tell me how badly you want it.” Taehyung’s deep, commanding voice makes Yoongi forget that he’s the older of the two.

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