PART 1 - So Lost (In You)

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Part 2 of the ; The Things You Hope For series .

Ao3 by : onthistangent

Summary :

“Hyung.” Taehyung says, his voice hoarse.

He doesn’t think, he just moves forward, hand closing around Yoongi’s hip through the cotton of his t-shirt, pulls him in, lips falling somewhere on Yoongi’s jawline first.

He cranes his neck until he encounters Yoongi’s mouth.

He’s received with a gasp, and then Yoongi’s hands find his hair, tangling in it, as their mouths slot together, as Taehyung pushes in with his tongue, sour wine and lip balm and—

“Taehyung-ah.” Yoongi mutters, a low rumble.

“Are you—”

Taehyung stops kissing him, heart thumping in his chest. A thought enters his brain, lightning-quick and shoving everything else aside.

“Did you—did you tell anyone? About the—what happened?”

Yoongi furrows his brows.

“No.” He says slowly. “I didn’t. I won’t.”


or; Taehyung isn’t into guys like that. He isn’t. The thing with Yoongi is just convenient.


Their visit to Namjoon’s parents’ vacation estate is maybe the third or fourth time Taehyung properly hangs around Yoongi, who is one of Namjoon’s friends.

They’ve seen each other in passing on multiple occasions, but the number of times they’ve sat at the same table over dinner is under five, and the times they’ve had an actual conversation is easily counted because it’s happened exactly once.

It was a few weeks back when they were all hanging out at Hoseok’s place, and Taehyung and Yoongi ended up on Hoseok’s tiny balcony with a bottle of soju and two shot glasses.

They started talking about music, and then it morphed into a broader discussion about all forms of art, garnished with playful banter over their differing opinions. They disagreed on many things, but agreed on almost as many.

So that’s it, one semi-drunken conversation—with some strongly-worded opinions that may be seen as good-natured arguing, but also with a lot of smiling and laughing.

One conversation is not much in terms of how well one gets to know a person, so perhaps it’s no wonder Taehyung didn’t know Yoongi is gay.

Not that he has a problem with Yoongi being gay or anything—but there’s a certain mental image Taehyung has in his head about gay people, and Yoongi doesn’t fit the picture.

He’s not flamboyant or decked in rainbow clothing from head to toe, no. He’s dressed in black jeans, a black oversized hoodie, and currently he has a baseball cap on backwards, and he doesn’t make a fuss about it when Namjoon asks how his boyfriend is doing.

“Ex-boyfriend, now.” Yoongi corrects.

“We had our moments, but you know.” He shrugs, going for a sip of whiskey.

Taehyung cranes his neck so he can see Yoongi where he’s seated on Namjoon’s other side. He stares with wide eyes while Yoongi looks back at him with a completely neutral expression, and after a second of intense eye contact, Taehyung forcefully stops himself from blurting out wait what, you’re gay? and slowly backs away from Yoongi’s line of sight.

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