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Ao3 by : CharlesFrankenstein

Summary :

Yoongi tells Taehyung all about his trip to LA as he picks Holly up from his apartment.


“Was he good?”

Yoongi looked up from his hopping puppy Holly and grabbed the bottle of Kloud from Taehyung’s hand.

“Yeah, he and Tannie got along great.”

“Cool, I appreciate you watching him.”

Yoongi had spent a few weeks in Los Angeles, taking meetings with studios and featuring on a few other rappers’ albums. Ordinarily his family would keep Holly but Taehyung had been begging for a doggy date ever since he adopted Yeontan.

Taehyung cracked open both his and Yoongi’s beers and the two sipped together on the couch while the pets returned to their playing.

“Was LA cool?”

Yoongi nodded and choked down the drink which was a bit warm for his taste, but he’d never complain. LA was too hot, and he hated having to speak English, but the goods outweighed the bad.

“Yeah, it was, uh…” Yoongi looked both ways before fixing his vision on a strange red painting in Tae’s apartment, a big swipe of paint for seemingly no reason. “It was cool.”

“Did you get laid?”

Yoongi poorly hid his half-smile.

One of the highlights of his trip involved a publicist he met at a schmoozy Hollywood party. Japanese-American, the only person Yoongi could talk to without having to use a translation app the whole time. Smart. Shaggy hair. Slightly taller than himself. Thicker than the people in Korea.

“Their name?”


“I fucking knew it.”

Taehyung smiled, set his beer down on a coaster and snatched Yoongi’s drink and did the same.

“I knew Hyung couldn’t wait.”

Taehyung slid a hand up Yoongi’s loose shirt and pressed his fingertips into his waist, waiting for his whimper before shimmying closer.

On the night Yoongi dropped Holly off, he and Tae found themselves fooling around as they often did when it was just the two (or four) of them.

As Taehyung dipped his long fingers in Yoongi’s mouth, he teased his hyung.

“What are you gonna do on the trip if you miss me, Hyung?”

“I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem,” Yoongi answered with a smug grin.

“What are you gonna do if you miss my cock?”

Yoongi, who laid in Taehyung’s lap, twitched at the mention of Tae’s thick, uncut prick.

“I’ll find some big sexy American man to fuck me.”

“Hmm is that so?”

Taehyung reached down to cup Yoongi’s warm testicles in his hand, brushing his erection with his knuckles.

“Maybe I shouldn’t fuck you now, then. Make sure you’re nice and tight for him.”

Yoongi winced when Taehyung pressed his thumb into his weeping head. Taehyung bit Yoongi’s earlobe and whispered in his ear, “When you get back you can tell me all about it, okay?”

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