Pretty Kitty

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Ao3 by : sugakithes (fangirlcamryn)

Summary :

Taehyung is a dog person.

So, of course, naturally, Taehyung wasn’t very fond of cats.

He had never met a cat who would even want to let him stroke its head let alone be near him when it wasn’t attacking him. He wasn’t sure he never met a cat he even liked, whether it be a hybrid or a full cat. Until he met Yoongi.


Taehyung is a dog person.

Who could honestly say they don’t like dogs? They have those cute fluffy ears that either stand up straight to swivel around when they hear something or ones that fold backwards against their heads occasionally.

They’re so soft and cuddly, too! And who could forget about their silly, goofy personalities? Playing fetch with one is the cutest thing in the world, only rivaled by them sleeping with their head on their human’s lap.

And they were smart, too. There was a reason there are service dogs and not service cats--no cat could learn to retrieve a dropped item let alone learn how to sit! Man’s best friend is right.

So, of course, naturally, Taehyung wasn’t very fond of cats.

Sure, they were adorable as hell with their silky fur and delicate meows that would pull at the heart strings, but, they were evil little fuckers, compared to dogs.

What was the fun in having a pet that would either vehemently ignore you by constantly staying underneath the couch or hating you with such a strong passion that even stepping a few feet close to them would earn a swift scratch with their claws or even a bite with their knife like teeth? They couldn’t even learn tricks for fuck’s sake!

All they did is eat, sleep, and forget that they have a litter box--they probably do remember that it’s there, but they’re evil , so of course they’d find pleasure in leaving little presents of poop all around the house.

Taehyung had never met a cat who would even want to let him stroke its head let alone be near him when it wasn’t attacking him.

He wasn’t sure he never met a cat he even liked , whether it be a hybrid or a full cat.

Until he met Yoongi.

Taehyung had never planned to ever own a hybrid. He had actual dogs before in his childhood and spent a fair deal of time doing dog sitting jobs for his neighbors, but he had never owned a hybrid—creatures that were an odd mix between animal and human created by scientists to research ways to improve the human species with animal characteristics that they didn’t naturally possess, such as the ability to see well in the dark, smell so well that some dogs could learn to detect drugs and bombs, and, of course, the physical strength, speed, and stamina that some species excelled in.

The research program never intended for their creations to become the new craze of society, but it’s not like they did much to stop it—in fact, once they realized how much money could be made, it was like they forgot their original goal to improve humans and instead focussing on perfecting the ideal hybrid pet.

One that could give their humans the same companionship and joy as their full animal counterparts while also being able to think more rationally—like knowing that peeing all over the carpet was wrong–and able to do work around the house, as if to deserve the life they were living.

Of course, as they were part animal, society deemed them unworthy of any human rights, like being able to go to school or hold a job, but it wasn’t like they were treated fully like animals.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant