Meet Me In The Afterglow

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Ao3 by : stee_nee

Summary :

Now, Taehyung prides himself in being flexible regarding social situations. He knows he’s nice and fun and he’s never too nervous about meeting new people because they usually really like him.

Taehyung is a likable guy, what can he do? So he wasn’t worried about meeting Hoseok’s friends, unlike Jungkook, because he thought he was ready to charm their pants off and have two shiny new contacts on his phone by the end of the night.

He wasn’t ready for Min Yoongi.

Oh, he definitely wasn’t ready for Min Yoongi.


Taehyung finds Yoongi the most beautiful person alive, and wants to eat him whole, and hold his hand.


“Hey, hyung.” Taehyung greets as Yoongi slides into the passenger seat next to him, sending a woosh of crispy cold air into the car.


“Oh, yeah. I can’t wait to spend two weeks with six guys in a two-bedroom cabin in some random snowy mountain from hell.” Yoongi drawls in his usual lazy, raspy voice that sends something heavy down Taehyung’s throat.

“Why stay at the comfort of my own home, with connections to the real world, when I can just die in the middle of nowhere?”

Taehyung snorts, pulling the car out of the parking spot.

The early December sun is gentle on his eyes, peeking shyly from under greying clouds, and Taehyung casually wonders if the weather will keep stable like this during the day.

“So bitter, hyung.” He says as a reply, turning on the radio.

A soft, classical jazz tune fills the car as Yoongi shrugs, already reaching for the AUX cord.

“Who says we’re gonna die?”

Yoongi grabs his own phone, looking through his extensive music library.

Taehyung sneaks some glances, seeing so many artists he’s never even heard about while Yoongi has their whole discography saved.

He thinks about his own very well-crafted collection of pop songs by girl groups with love.

“The minute Jungkook finds out the cabin doesn’t have wi-fi he’s going to throw all of us to the wolves.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, fingers tapping idly on the steering wheel.

“I think going slowly crazy and then suffocating everyone while we sleep fits Kookie’s style more. You know, the Shining type of shit.”

Yoongi snorts and picks some hip-hop playlist from the late 90’s - early 00’s, full of American artists that mix rapping with sultry R&B that are just a tad too dirty for a car ride in the middle of the afternoon, bordering on the flirty atmosphere that Yoongi seems to appreciate, from what Taehyung has gathered about him in the last couple of months they’ve been going out in the same group of friends.

The playlist is mainly filled with rappers unknown by Taehyung, forgotten by the sands of time, but not by Yoongi.

Yoongi remembers every musician he’s come across and deems worthy, finely tuned with music and what he considers good. It makes Taehyung twitchy.

Yoongi’s general existence makes him twitchy.

“Jimin is calling you.” Yoongi announces, pointing at Taehyung’s phone on the partition between their seats.

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