Everything, Amplified

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Ao3 by : aileron

Summary :

“Hi.” Taehyung says when he appears behind Yoongi in the cafeteria line, his scent hitting Yoongi like a brick in the face.

He smells sweet and spicy, and his voice is low and husky, and his grin wide and friendly. God, he’s infuriating.

“Mmh.” Yoongi mutters back, trying to discreetly bury his nose in his sleeve.

It’s not that Taehyung smells bad—not at all—but something about him just makes Yoongi want to run like his life depends on it. The annoying thing about it is that his body and mind are at odds about the direction he should run in—one seems to think he should run toward Taehyung while the other tells him to run away as fast as he can.

or: Yoongi refuses to let his instincts guide his life. Then Taehyung happens.


Yoongi first gets introduced to Kim Taehyung at a fraternity mingle, and immediately dislikes his stupid boisterous alpha attitude and his stupid wide smile and those stupid wink-and-nudge jokes he throws around. The guy is like a poster boy for the annoying douchey frat boys of the alpha fraternity, all roar and showing off and bad tactless jokes. Taehyung’s laughter is so loud it carries across the room and into the next one, and the sound seems to find Yoongi no matter where he goes. Yoongi winces whenever the laughter reaches his ears and tries to stay away from Taehyung, but somehow he finds himself in Taehyung’s vicinity several times during the night.

Taehyung appears beside him when Yoongi closes the fridge door after extracting a beer. Yoongi inhales sharply at the sudden proximity and tries to suppress a shiver that wants to slide down his back like cold water. Why does this douche have to smell so damn good?

“Hi.” Taehyung winks and raises his eyebrows.

Yoongi lets out a low, involuntary snarl. Taehyung seems to bring out his primitive chased-into-a-corner reaction better than any real threat, and that’s Yoongi’s cue to get the fuck out immediately. He aims an expressionless stare at Taehyung and shoves the unopened beer right back into the fridge. He calls it a night and makes his way back to his dorm.

Stupid Taehyung, with his stupid handsome features and stupid laughter and stupid silver blond hair.

Next afternoon, Yoongi complains about it to his roommate, who listens patiently until the last point on Yoongi’s minutes-long rant list.

“Hey.” Namjoon protests, gesturing at his own hair, freshly bleached and tinted silver.

Yoongi waves his hand dismissively.

“Well your hair is fine. His is stupid.”

They’re studying at the campus library, and someone nearby shushes Yoongi with a sharp hiss.

“Shush yourself.” Yoongi mutters back without looking.

It seems that thinking about Taehyung makes him snappier than he usually is. He slams his textbook shut and jots a few words down in the notebook beside it, even though whatever he just wrote will most likely make zero sense to him in an hour.

“You’re gonna get us kicked out of the library.” Namjoon points out mildly, not even looking up from his book.


Namjoon is never letting him forget that one time when Yoongi got so worked up over an idiotic book they had to read for a class that his rant got them kicked out. In his defense, the book was a collection of historical essays on the subject of reproductive rights in the omega community. Written by alphas. Anyone in their right mind would get worked up over having to sift through that garbage, but perhaps he should have channeled his frustration toward the book report he was writing, instead of slamming the book against the table and declaring that he wants to build a time machine just so he can go find these alpha essayists and accidentally drop an anvil on their testicles.

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