I'd Take Your Case Pro-Boner

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Ao3 by : PeonyTaegi

Summary :

Attorney Kim and attorney Min need to release the tension from their current case. Also, they're in love, your honor!


“That was a pretty impressive argument you made back there, Min Byeonhosa-nim.”

“Thank you, Kim Byeonhosa,” Yoongi answers without looking away from the coffee machine, his tired brain mesmerized by the way the brown liquid streams down into his cup.

“But I still don’t think my client will accept your proposal.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. The comment is so in character for shark corporate lawyer Kim Taehyung.

Yoongi already knows where this conversation is going. This is basic goading tactics to fish for information and eventually negotiate better terms. He won’t fall for it. He takes his sweet time preparing his drink instead, letting the other wait for details he won’t give.

“I think he will, though,” Yoongi finally says, tone even as he takes his cup and nonchalantly turns towards the other. “The Civil Act provides that, unless we find an agreement concerning the division of property, the Family Court will determine the amount and method of division of our clients’ assets, and we both know that’s absolutely not an option. So… I don’t think your client has much of a choice left.”

Kim Taehyung raises an infuriating eyebrow, looking very amused by the situation.

“Are you lecturing me, Attorney Min?” he drawls in that annoyingly deep and smooth voice of his.

His gaze is intense and the hint of a smile graces his lips—both reasons for Yoongi's reluctance to meet his eyes when they’re out of the boardroom. It riles him up a little too much for his liking, and he knows he needs to be careful around him if he wants to keep his professionalism and the upper hand.

“I’m sure you of all people understand the appeal of flaunting the law to your hoobae, Attorney Kim,” Yoongi retorts coolly. “Besides, the reminder won’t do any harm, especially since we need to settle before the news of the company’s split breaks.”

He makes to leave, heading back to the meeting room, but he still catches the dark glimmer in Kim Taehyung’s eyes as he turns on his feet. He smirks to himself, proud he managed to get that sort of reaction from the rival lawyer.

Yoongi enters his apartment so late that it’s already dark outside. He sighs wearily as he hangs his coat in the foyer and puts his brogues on the small rack next to the door.

The living room light is on and he gravitates towards its soft glow like a moth to a flame. He walks in on Taehyung, dressed in sweatpants and a large tee, pouring red wine in a tall glass, another one already filled and resting on the coffee table next to lit candles.

Taehyung perks up at the noise of Yoongi’s socks dragging on the hardwood floor.

“Oh. You’re finally here, babe,” he says with a look of astonishment that quickly morphs into a huge smile.

They’ve been living together for seven years now and yet Taehyung still looks as surprised and elated to see him in his space as he was on the morning after their first night together. 

“Yeah, I wrote a whole report for Mrs. Moon after the audience and then had to work on the actual business part of the case,” Yoongi slurs, rubbing his face sluggishly as he makes his way to the couch. “I thought I’d never be done with my day and here I find you, sipping on wine while the love of your life toils away at work, unbelievable.”

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