Sweet Eternal Chaos

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Ao3 by : princesaadriella

Summary :

King Min is the most dastardly and vile of all kings. He is known to execute men and women for the most trivial things, but when he meets the beautiful Prince of Silla, Kim Taehyung, he wants him. That’s the end of the story. Yoongi wants him and if Yoongi can’t have him, then nobody can.

But Kim Taehyung is not as obedient as he may seem.



King Min’s jaw is clenched, his nostrils flared and his teeth grinding together as he keeps his eyes locked onto the Prince before him.

Prince Kim Taehyung.

The rivalry of their kingdoms is a prominent one, one that has sent many a men to their unworthy deaths. The King couldn’t give a single fuck. They were worthless. Every, single last one of them. Their lives were merely collateral, the men that fought in his honor without ever even seeing his face. They are the foolish ones, for giving their lives to a man who never cared whether or not they lived or died.

King Min Yoongi was a vile, twisted man, with a heart made of coal and eyes the color of molten lava. His face is youthful, plump cheeks and pouted lips the most defining of features, as well as his endearingly annular nose and cat-like eyes. His hair was long and luxuriant, a gorgeous, golden hue. His locks were pulled back with a thick black headband, framing the roundness of his pale face. His jeogori is always some form of black, trimmed and laced with hangul of bronze and silver. Horrid-looking dragons and ominous clouds were threaded into the fabric of his clothing, his hair pulled into a ponytail that draped down his back like a veil. Gemstones dangled from his ears and his hair, proclaiming his status of regality without words.

Across his right eye, a gruesome, red scar.

King Min kills without reason and he gets what he demands, no questions asked. The King is known throughout all of Goryeo, for having killed his twin brother so that he could be the only one that sat at the throne. It was no secret. The King never once denied his methods of treason, in fact, he embraced it. There was no one else in line for the crown, thus, no one would be able to continue the Min legacy if he were found guilty.

King Min was invincible.

But too many of his men were dying, and the kingdom was turning on him. No one could trust him, but no one dared to defy him. There is a thin line between loyalty and fear. The King never cared to be loved. He wanted the people to fear him, to cower upon his arrival, to shudder at the very mention of his name. So far, he has succeeded, but the people are unable to be afraid if they are all dead. The King needed to end this senseless war, immediately, or else, there would be no more people to lead.

And how can you lead when no one is there to follow you?

Kim Namjoon, the King’s royal advisor, has had enough of King Min’s antics. They were here to resolve their conflict of war and now, the King wants nothing more than to fulfill his sexual desires.

“I want him.”

"Your Highness this is not the time for—”

"I want him."

“Prince Kim will never agree to that—”

“I don’t care Namjoon. Just make it happen. Now.”

Namjoon holds back an eye roll, breathing through the frustration that builds heavily in his chest.

Of course, the King’s advisor was correct.

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