Quarantine Shenanigans

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Ao3 by : sorreev

Summary :

Yoongi longed to know if Taehyung wished to ruin him in as many ways as he himself wished to be ruined.

Or Yoongi got worked up during quarantine and Taehyung’s flirting—or whatever the he’ll he’s been doing for the older to go crazy—wasn’t helping the case.


“So, are you finally going to seduce him?” Hoseok asked as he sat down on his couch next to Jimin, making sure the front camera captured the both of them for Taehyung to see.

“That’s a given opportunity to use your charms, since you’re going to be with him for two months straight.” Jimin added.

Taehyung could only roll his eyes at his best friends.

“You guys really think I am that desperate?”

“You? Desperate? For your, I quote ‘cute precious adorable also very fucking hot with his pouty little lips and that round little ass’ roommate?” Jimin cocked his brow.

“Oh, absolutely.” He said and both him and Hoseok burst out laughing.

“I hate you, guys.” Taehyung grimaced.

“Unbelievably thankful that we won’t see each other for the next two months.”

“Come on, Taehyung-ah, we all know you’ll miss us after two days tops.”

“I don’t know, pretty sure he won’t make it past half a day without me.” Jimin smirked, knowing he was right.

“Try me.”

“I hate you.” Yoongi groaned at the thought of having to spend his whole quarantine with his (hot) roommate.

“All I did was say that you were finally going to get some dick, don’t be a drama queen.” Jin rolled his eyes.

“Jungkook, hold the phone for me, please.” he asked and the younger complied, bringing it close to his face.

“Hey, Yoongi hyung. How are you feeling on this fine day, knowing you’re going to spend that much time with your crush?” Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows.

“One more word and I’ll hang up.”

“Hyung, but for real. How are you feeling about it?” Yoongi heard Namjoon ask.

He shrugged with a sigh.

“Normal? It’s not like we’re complete strangers. It might be a little awkward, but who knows maybe this will help us get a little closer.”

“As close as having his dick up your ass?” Jungkook asked, making Jin snort.

Namjoon was about to say something as well, but Yoongi chose to hang up.

“I need new friends.” Hr muttered to himself as he left his phone on the desk and threw himself onto his bed face down.

“It’s not like I would even have a chance with him. And I don’t like him that way, I’m just not blind.” He rolled to his side and groaned.

“Fuck, am I actually talking to myself?”

The very first day, Yoongi realized that he was fuсkеd.

Utterly so.

“Hyung.” Taehyung had knocked on his door.

“Do you want to watch a movie?”

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