Paint My Body (With Your Lips)

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AO3 by : taegibun

Summary :
A simple workshop turns out to be pure torture when Yoongi finds out that his crush is going to be the nude model.

Horny and frustrated, Yoongi takes some steamy photos trying to recreate Taehyung's poses and sends them to the wrong number. Then chaos breaks loose.


This has to be a fucking joke.

Yoongi doesn’t need to be mocked like this at 5 in the afternoon.

With a curse, he hides his face behind the easel and the blank canvas, a poor attempt to make himself invisible, even though this particular workshop doesn’t allow that much anonymity. Yoongi recognizes at least five faces, students who share classes with him or did in the past, others that specialize in different areas but decided to enroll because of the “experience”, and the “learning”… it’s all bullshit. The real reason is the naked model, who this particular (and ill-timed) occasion happens to be, the one and only, Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung.

Ah, where should he even begin?

Yoongi remembers the first time he saw him, when he attended that tedious workshop about restoration; why did he even participate in it, if he found it so boring, you might ask…? Well, he didn’t have much of a choice, since he was in need of some extra credits and whatnot, and his examiner thought it would look good on his degree. Jungkook accompanied him in his misery because he didn’t have “anything better to do” and Yoongi bribed him with lamb skewers, which always worked. In the middle of the first session, he regretted his life choices and more, but then he caught a glimpse of Kim Taehyung’s profile, and suddenly, Yoongi found himself looking forward to Tuesdays and Fridays.

A stupid crush, that’s what it was. Still is, unfortunately. Yoongi thought it would go away with time, thought that by the end of the workshop (with a duration of three weeks), he’d forget all about it— but it didn’t go away, and he couldn’t forget Taehyung’s perfectly chiseled features, his auburn hair, his deep, velvet-like laugh. Taehyung was too popular and outgoing for Yoongi, or maybe Yoongi was too much of a hermit… either way, they only shared a few glances here and there, a couple of polite smiles, clank their bottles of beer the day the workshop ended and the class went out to celebrate, and that was it.

Once the workshop concluded, Yoongi’s interactions and encounters with him were limited to scarce glimpses of his back as he walked around campus, of his long hair peeking over a book in the library, of his boxy smile when he laughed with friends in the Arts Department halls. And staring longingly at his phone number saved in his contacts, too… Yoongi took it from the workshop’s group chat, even though he was never part of the conversations held there. He merely read Taehyung’s texts, like a total creep, sighed when they shared pictures of their night out and Taehyung was in almost every single one of them. (Yoongi appeared in two, one was out of focus and in the other, you could only see his profile, next to Jungkook).

The whole thing was torture, the worst kind— the type of torture where your body aches for something you know you’re never gonna get.

But now he’s standing in front of him, minutes away from getting naked, and Yoongi wants to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself in it.

Where’s Jungkook when you need him? Yoongi should’ve convinced him to take this course as well, or Hoseok, even though he’s a Dance Major and he’d have no business being here. Oh, god, if they find out about this, Yoongi’s never gonna hear the end of it.

“Remember, this workshop consists of five sessions”, the professor announces as the participants ready themselves to start working. “Five sessions mean five techniques, choose the tools you feel more comfortable with, but do consider trying new things… that’s why you’re here, after all…”

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