Ring Ding Dong

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Summary :

The one where Taehyung loses his precious gucci ring the very first time he meets Yoongi, but he doesn't lose it just anywhere, oh no- he loses it inside of Yoongi.


Taehyung has known about Min Yoongi for a while now.

He knows he is the roommate and best friend of the boyfriend of one of his best friends, which maybe sounds a bit complicated but isn't really. Hoseok is one of Taehyung's two best friends, and for the past six months or so Hoseok has been dating Seokjin, who lives with Yoongi. That's all. There's less than two degrees of social separation between them - barely even one, if Taehyung considers Seokjin as a friend (which he does, of course).

Taehyung knows Yoongi is getting a master's degree in something with a long name he can't remember exactly, but he knows that whatever it is, it has to do with museums. Taehyung, as an arts and archaeology double major, finds that extremely interesting. They'd have a million things to talk about, he just knows it.

He doesn't know what Yoongi looks like, but he's guessing he's on the short side because Seokjin and Hoseok have joked about getting him a stool to help him reach high places. He also knows Yoongi wears a lot of piercings on his ears, that he likes dyeing his hair many colors, that he is from Daegu, and that his voice is surprisingly deep for his face - which are all things that apply to Taehyung as well. How cool is that?

Perhaps they crossed paths unknowingly at some point of their childhoods. Perhaps Yoongi has eaten the vegetables his family grew and sold at the local farmers market. Who knows? No one, but especially, not Taehyung.


Taehyung has known about Min Yoongi for a while now, and although he has never met him in person, he's convinced that they would be a great match - platonic or otherwise. Ever since he first heard Hoseok talk about Seokjin's cool and mysterious roommate, and with every new piece of information he has learnt about him, Taehyung has been dying to meet him more and more.

But Yoongi is of evasive nature.

"I want to meet him." Taehyung told Seokjin during a movie night at his, Hoseok's, and Jimin's place not too long ago.

It was Taehyung's turn to pick a movie, and as he set his favorite underworld crime film up on the living room, Seokjin casually commented that Yoongi loved movies like that one. It made Taehyung almost groan in frustration.

"Really." He went on, pouting at Seokjin as adorably and irresistibly as he could.

"Can you ask him to come over next time? Please? He's more than welcome here!"

Seokjin laughed softly.

"I mean, I could try and ask him, but I can't make any promises. You should know how he is by now... He pretty much only leaves the house to work, get laid, or have drinks with friends every now and then."

Taehyung clicked his tongue, disappointed, but thankfully, by some kind of miracle, it turned out he didn't have to wait too long.

The opportunity to finally meet the one and only Min Yoongi came by itself just two weeks after that, and Taehyung didn't even have to do anything out of the ordinary. He simply accepted an invitation to a friend of a friend's birthday party (who was swimming in money, apparently, because he rented an entire penthouse in Gangnam and invited nearly every person under thirty Taehyung knew).

Taehyung loves parties, so he said yes without thinking twice. He didn't even know Yoongi was going- the thought didn't even cross his head.

When he finally meets him and is face to face with him, he is... pleasantly surprised, to say the least.

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