Fuck Kim Taehyung

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Ao3 by : prkjimin (orphan_account)

Summary :

“If I hear another curse word I'm going to fuck your pretty little mouth until you can't speak at all, got it?” Taehyung says and Yoongi’s eyes widen, struggling to swallow past the thick lump that had suddenly formed in his throat as he feels his body tense. God, fuck Kim Taehyung, seriously.

aka the bottom Yoongi fic no one asked for.


The thing is, Yoongi’s already not so great at being a civil member of society. He sleeps at inconvenient hours, he rarely holds the door open for the elderly, and he fucking hates babies. Yoongi’s already not the best at being a person, and really he has no fucking clue how he's suppose to function at all with a thick buttplug snug in his ass while taehyung grins cheekily at him from across the table.

“Shut the fuck up,” Yoongi snaps, doesn't even spare a glance a the mother who shoots him an affronted stare from the table beside him, covering her daughter's ears with a click of her tongue.

Taehyung only beams brighter, rocks side to side in his seat like he's too excited to sit still, and knowing the little shit Taehyung is that's probably exactly the case.

“I didn't say anything, hyung.” Taehyung says, and Yoongi sort of wants to knock out every tooth from that rectangular smile.

Except not, because Taehyung's smile is one of his favourite things about the boy, but the point still stands. the blonde only grumbles to himself, tries not to shoot daggers from his eyes at the waiter that comes with their drinks moments later with a too bright personality and too big smile, Taehyung turning his full attention to the tan skinned server talking about some shit Yoongi can't bring himself to care about. because really, all Yoongi give a fuck about right now is getting their meal and getting back home because he's horny and humiliated and wants Taehyung to fuck him into next week, maybe.

The brunet blows a kiss across the table and Yoongi flips him the bird, glares at the mother who makes another scandalized noise because they're in public, but her child looks at least nine, so the kid's more than likely already testing every swear word in the book with her friends, so Yoongi doesn't see why he has to filter himself, for fuck's sake.

The same server returns with their order nearly ten minutes later, and Yoongi tries his best not to sound too snippy, he really does, but it's fucking hard when he has a toy nestled right up against his prostate. Yoongi just counts his lucky stars that he isn't hard, the sheer embarrassment flooding through his veins keeping him flaccid in his pants.

The waiter – Hoseok, Yoongi reads from the name tag – keeps his smile despite Yoongi’s attitude and the blonde makes a mental note to leave a nice tip for him.

Yoongi barely eats his food, takes a bite or two but finds ultimately that he's too distracted by Taehyung – what else is new? – the brunet making a show of moaning after almost every bite and Yoongi wonders where the fuck the defensive mom is now that Taehyung sounds like a porn star.

“Stop it,” Yoongi hisses, kicks Taehyung shin under the table and the younger winces, frowns lightly as he drops his spoon into his near finished meal.

His expression changes within seconds, though, going from sad puppy to cheshire cat as he flags the waiter down.

“How's the food?” Hoseok asks, bright smiles and easy voice.

“It's fantastic. So good that i think i want desert from here too!” Taehyung says and Yoongi internally curses, externally does too because fuck Taehyung.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя