Sweets And Sugars

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Ao3 by : Bosco

Summary :

Yoongi was eating more, he was letting Taehyung feed him, or sneaking bites from Taehyung snacks, or takeout dishes.

He was adorable. He was so cute, and happy, and, if Taehyung could be dramatic, he was glowing.


As Taehyung unlocked the apartment door and stepped inside, he paused, nose immediately catching on the fresh, sweet scent floating through the air. Baking. The entire place smelled like a bakery first thing in the morning.

Warm cinnamon, and fresh vanilla. Rich, raw chocolate and tangy blueberry. He knelt down and took off his shoes, subconsciously flipping through the dates in his mind. Was it a holiday? Someone's birthday? Was there some party at Yoongi’s work, or some family picnic he couldn’t remember? Whatever the occasion was, he was blanking on it.

He shrugged his jacket off and hung it up, stepping through the short hall into the living room, and then past the arch that led into their kitchen and dining room. Sure enough, Yoongi was bent over, pulling a pie from the oven. Their countertops covered in baked goods.

Heart shaped sugar cookies, vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with white icing, sweet cinnamon rolls. Finally, the blueberry pie Yoongi was setting it on the stovetop with a huff, wiping at his forehead after he took the oven mitts off and tossed them to the side.

“Are we doing like… a bake drive or something? Is this for Jimin’s charity event?” Taehyung asked, stepping further into the kitchen, feeling like he was in an entirely different place than his home.

Confused, concerned, and craving every sweet in the room; starting with his husband, a word that still made him giddy to think about. Excitement from the wedding still feeding his newly wed high.

Yoongi turned behind him, exhaling softly with a small, shy smile.

“Oh—no, nothing like that, That would be a good reason for all this, though, huh?” He laughed softly, a little awkward, cheeks flushed as he glanced around the room.

There was flour, icing, batter all over his sleeves, hands, and apron. Some of the white icing smeared across his cheek, and flour dusted in his dark locks. Taehyung smiled at him, God, he would be the cutest baker.

“Is there a reason for all this?” Taehyung asked, leaning a hand on the counter, pointing at the dish with at least a dozen cupcakes on it.

There was silence for a moment, Yoongi’s lips parting before shutting. His mouth skewed to the side and he tilted his head, “There… it’s a reason, sure. I’m just not sure it’s an appropriate one.”

“Appropriate?” Taehyung frowned, brows knitting together in confusion.

“Well,” Yoongi stepped over to the sink, turning it on to let the water warm, “It started with the cupcakes, and then the cookies. I-I just wanted something sweet, and sugary. And not one of those, like, box cakes you buy sometimes. I wanted real sweets like my mom used to make. And so I thought I’d make a few cupcakes, and a batch of cookies, and we could have them for a little bit, or I could bring them to work, or—something.”

Taehyung gave a nod of understanding, reaching out for one of the cupcakes, vanilla, and dipping his finger into the frosting to taste.

Yoongi washed his hands, pausing his story and then continuing it as he dried them on the towel.

“And then I saw the cinnamon in the cabinet and I wanted.. cinnabuns.” He motioned with his hands, as if Taehyung needed the tasty, warm treat pointed out to him.

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