PART 3 - Like Lightning

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Ao3 by : allie (sobangcha8)

Summary :

With Taehyung's help and enthusiastic, patient, and loving support, Yoongi tries sounding for the first time. (Spoiler alert: He really likes it.)


Yoongi's at work when he gets the delivery confirmation. He stares at the picture the delivery person sent, of the medium sized, unmarked box sitting just outside his apartment door. He can hardly believe that it's just going to sit there for the rest of the day, until he and Taehyung get home, out in the open for anyone to see.

Of course, no one who sees it will know what's contained within. But Yoongi knows. He knows that sitting inside that box are all the sex toys he and Taehyung bought together last week.

A shiver runs up his spine.

He takes a screenshot of the delivery confirmation and sends it to Taehyung, captioning it: look what arrived.

Taehyung's immediate response is a string of exclamation marks, followed shortly by, Your ass is mine tonight!!!! And your dick!!!!

Yoongi types back, They're always yours, before he puts his phone away, lest he be reprimanded for wasting time.

The day drags, but when five o'clock finally rolls around, Yoongi can't get out of the office fast enough. Usually a cautious driver, Yoongi speeds just a bit on his way back home.

He's hoping to beat Taehyung to their apartment, if only so that he can have a little bit of time to fully examine his new toys before his enthusiastic boyfriend gets a hold of him, but when he arrives, he finds Taehyung already in the kitchen.

"Hey baby," He calls as Yoongi takes his shoes off, and finishes putting his things down.

His coat goes on the hook by the door, his shoes neatly hidden away in their shoe cabinet, and his keys in the fancy bowl that sits on top of it.

"Your box is on the table," He says, sing-songing his voice, and highlighting just how excited he is.

Yoongi shares his excitement. He makes his way to the kitchen just to kiss Taehyung, noting that he's browsing through yogiyo, figuring out what to order them for dinner. Then he makes his way to the living room, where the box is sure enough resting on the coffee table. Yoongi sits on the edge of the couch and digs his fingers in to the side of the box to separate the tape from the cardboard, and once he manages it he rips it off so he can open the box. He also takes a moment to peel off the sticker label with his name and address on it. Uncaring of a little mess, he puts the tape and the ripped sticker on the couch beside him and opens the flaps of the box. Sitting inside are the three things he and Taehyung ordered.

Yoongi picks up the box with the vibrator first. He's very excited about this one. According to the website, it has motors in both the tip that goes inside, and the outer portion which sits against the perineum. Yoongi studies the box, ever curious, even as his dick starts to get excited about what he's holding. He's never used a prostate massager before and he's very excited to try it out.

As a gay man who is very comfortable in his sexuality, Yoongi is no stranger to his prostate, even before he and Taehyung started dating years ago.

But before last week he'd never cum without touching his cock, and as he stares at this toy his mouth waters and his skin tingles at the thought of doing it again. He sets the vibrator aside, and reaches into the box to take out the dildo. He chose a firm, black silicone cock, realistically shaped, that has a suction cup on the end. He smiles at it, feeling through the plastic packaging just how heavy it is.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora