PART 2 - The Start Of Something

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Part 2 of Taegi Tattoo Parlour AU.

Ao3 by : Kenjin

Summary :

Yoongi leaned back against the headrest, tilting his head to face Taehyung.

Both knowing they didn't need to rush anymore, Taehyung moves almost hesitantly towards Yoongi.

Placing a large hand on his pale neck he hovered inches away from his face before pressing their lips together, the kiss barely going beyond light presses of the mouth, very occasional tongue,

yet by the time they pulled away they were both breathless.

Yoongi sunk back into his seat,

snatching the keys from the ignition, "Do- Should we go in?"


This is a smut sequel to "You're Cute and I Like You" but it can probably be read on it's own.


Yoongi shifted uncomfortably as they slid to a stop at traffic lights, his pants positively choking his dick.

Who knew that little shit was so talented with his tongue?

Speaking of Kim Taehyung, he

was currently trying to ignore the hooded eyes, staring at him from the passenger seat like he wanted to eat Yoongi alive.

The lights finally changed and they continued to Yoongi's home.

The car pulled into the street outside his apartment complex, Yoongi switched off the ignition and left the keys dangling, the slight jingling as they settle on the keyring making Yoongi tense.

The atmosphere is thick, expectant.

Yoongi leaned back against the headrest, tilting his head to face Taehyung.

Both knowing they didn't need to rush anymore, Taehyung moves almost hesitantly towards Yoongi. Placing a large hand on his pale neck he hovered inches away from his face before pressing their lips together, the kiss barely going beyond light presses of the mouth, very occasional tongue, yet by the time they pulled away they were both breathless.

Yoongi sunk back into his seat, snatching the keys from the ignition, "Do- Should we go in?"

They kept constant contact as Yoongi removed his bag from the car, Taehyung steering him through the hallway and into the elevator. They stood side-by-side, arms barely brushing as they watched the numbers light up, finally the 4 flashed red, the doors sliding open. They shuffled quickly to Yoongi's door, he fumbled with the keys several times before the door swung open, and all was calm.

He went through his nightly routine, usually performed unseen: Turning the locks, flicking the lightswitch, placing his keys on the table in the front hall, allowing his messenger bag to thump on the floor, before he was spun around, pushed against the closest wall, hands entwined with

Taehyung's and pressed to the paintwork.

Letting the younger invade his mouth with his tongue.

Yoongi's head thumped against the wall as Taehyung trailed his lips down his neck, sliding a thigh between Yoongi's thin legs for him to grind against. His breathing grew heavier as he bucked against Taehyung, "Tae please, don't fuck aroun-FUCK!"

Taehyung chose this moment to trail his hand down and squeeze at Yoongi's bulge, grinning smugly before sliding his hands under the

lapels of Yoongi's leather jacket, letting it slide to the ground.

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