No More Mistakes

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Ao3 by : 2019_0201

Summary :

Yoongi took a deep breath, forcing himself to tell Taehyung everything, "When you suggested that we sleep together, I wanted to but I knew my feelings could make it complicated so I hesitated. When I decided to go through with it, I didn't tell you why and that's not fair so this is me... telling you why. So yea. I love you and stuff."

Still not looking up, Yoongi fiddled with his hands. The longer the silence extended, the more nervous he got. Silence wasn't good. It was probably the worst response.

Or so he thought.

"Hyung..." Taehyung said quietly, making Yoongi tense.

That was not the tone he'd wanted to hear. That was the tone he'd used to tell Jimin their pet fish had died, to tell Seokjin he'd soaked his cast-iron skillet in water, to tell Yoongi he'd spilled coffee on one of his books.

That was the tone he used for bad news.

"Hyung, I-I'm so sorry."



There were two things Min Yoongi had learned very quickly after meeting Kim Taehyung in his first year of grad school:

Don't underestimate him; that boxy smile hides a devious mind and utter apathy towards people who hurt his friends.

Don't fall in love with him; it'll only end in pain.

For the first thing, Yoongi was doing amazing. For the second...


No one was perfect.

The thing was that someone like Taehyung was impossible not to love. He ran into anything and everything head first. Sometimes it ended amazingly and people were left in awe, wondering just how he'd managed to make whatever his current endeavour was work. Other times it was a disaster but that never stopped him either. Taehyung reacted to positives and negatives the same way: by moving forward. As someone who was often debilitatingly anxious about outcomes, Yoongi had been amazed by him.

Still was, honestly.

Which was why when Yoongi realized, on probably the worst day of the year, if not his entire life, that he was in love with Taehyung, it didn't shock him. Taehyung had been talking to him, about what Yoongi didn't really know, as he'd wrapped Yoongi up in blankets and fussed over him. His paper had been rejected for publication and the reviews had been harsh.

Usually, there was one that was bad, but that was not the case for Yoongi.

No, he'd been lucky enough to have three negative reviews. Of three.

So Taehyung had shown up, Yoongi's favourite coffee in hand and a warm, understanding smile on his face. There was nothing special about it. Taehyung would have and had done the same thing before and for others, but that had been the moment.

As Yoongi sat on his couch, obnoxiously surrounded by blankets and pillows while Taehyung prattled on about the importance of bees (Yoongi had long learned not to ask where his thoughts came from), Yoongi had just... fallen. Or realized he'd fallen long ago. Either way, he loved Taehyung.

But that was just mistake number one.

Mistake number two had come, as it always did, in the form of Kim Seokjin.

Yoongi had met Taehyung through Seokjin.

Well, through Seokjin who'd known him because Namjoon whose roommate Hoseok knew him through Jimin who'd met him because he shared a class with Jungkook who just happened to be a hoobae of Namjoon.

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