Blindfold, Thighs And Ice

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Ao3 by - happily_missy

Summary :

Taehyung loves his boyfriend Yoongi so much, and Yoongi trusts him enough to try out some new things.


Taehyung loved so many things about his boyfriend. He was funny and cute and tiny. Taehyung wanted to put him in his pocket, boop his nose and protect forever. But Yoongi was also strong and fiercely handsome. He was solid, such a stable part of Taehyung’s life he felt like he would crumble without him. Yoongi was brilliant and cunning, with a quick tongue and even sharper kisses.

He always kept Taehyung on his toes, always leaving him wanting more. But one of Taehyung’s favorite things about his boyfriend was how Yoongi instantly melted into his arms when they were alone.

Yoongi would whisper into Taehyung’s ear how ready he was for whatever Taehyung wanted to do, he would spread himself on their bed and just look at Taehyung like he was the most delicious treat he’d ever seen. And above all he trusted Taehyung to take care of him. This simultaneously made Taehyung mush into a puddle and also blaze into an all consuming flame. Ready for Yoongi. Just for him.

Tonight was no different. After a long day at work and dinner with friends Yoongi had whispered in Taehyung’s here how desperate he was to get home. How Yoongi’s big shot producer friends could drink without them; Taehyung had ordered the check at lightning speed. Now they were home, their dogs asleep on the couch, but the two of them felt wide awake. Yoongi had wasted no time in pressing Taehyung against the door of their bedroom, trying to undress him as quickly as possible. He was so wound up, Taehyung loved it, but he also knew that Yoongi liked being told what to do. Liked being forced to calm him, to control himself.

“Hyung.” Taehyung said, their lips sliding together as he gripped his small hips tightly.

“Go to the bed for me.”

Yoongi whined needily but did as he was told. Taehyung just leaned against the door, watching Yoongi’s obedience, a lazy smile on his face. Fuck he loved this man so much.

“Undress for me baby,” He continued,

“I wanna see you.”

Yoongi just nodded, his bottom lip between his teeth as he undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. Slow and sweet. Just like Taehyung liked. Just for him.

“So pretty for me like this.” Taehyung said, watching the praise wash over Yoongi like a golden sheen.

Taehyung loved that he got to see this Yoongi. That this was his. To everyone else Min Yoongi was a big name producer, wearing all black and staying in his studio for hours on end. He was friendly in his own way, but more often that not people pegged him as a no nonsense kind of guy. Now Taehyung loved that man too. Loved work Yoongi so much. Seeing him make music was a gift that Taehyung never got tired of.

But this ....

This Yoongi. Who was now naked on their bed, his porcelain skin on display, his soft blonde hair tousled over his beautiful dark eyes as he laid back watching Taehyung appraise him — This was his perfect baby. This was his treasure. Forever to keep and to love and hold.

“I have something for you.” Taehyung said, stepping out of his shoes as he made his way to the bed.

“A present?”

Yoongi’s eyes lit up excitedly.

“Hmmm, a present for my favorite boy,”

Taehyung let a finger stroke down the side of his face as he took something out of his back pocket. It was a thin silk blind fold, soft pink in color, perfect to match the blush on Yoongi’s high cheeks.

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