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Ao3 by : Vmintie (orphan_account)

Summary :

Taehyung works as a PA to Min Industries' second son, Yoongi and has been there for a year. The man drives him near insane with his OCD work ethic. The evening Taehyung brings his resignation letter into his boss's office, he finds Yoongi under the desk, curled up and crying.


Screaming was not an option.

Taehyung knew that the day he accepted the job. It also helped that Min Yoongi had the notice attached on all four walls and ten pillars of the open plan office hall. Taehyung remembered wondering why such a foreboding notice was even needed. He asked as much, to which Yoongi turned on his heel and came to a dead stop. It was as if he was turned to a statue. A woman carrying four cups of coffee in a tray, teetered as she narrowly missed him. Taehyung looked around nervously, wondering if he had said something wrong. Was the notice an inside joke? A tongue-in-cheek colloquialism he wasn't allowed to know of yet?

"Mental breakdowns. We get a lot of them around here. I like to remind those on the verge of having them, what's going to happen to their livelihood if they do." Yoongi said tonelessly.

And then he turned, smooth as an AI and continued his brisk march back towards his office. Taehyung hurried after him, anxiety creeping up.

He knew that day he wouldn't be able to survive this job, not really.

But he had two younger siblings still in school, two parents getting old who still worked full time and a hell of a lot of expectations heaped on his head. All through school, his sharp grades were counterbalanced by always being in detention for daydreaming during class. How his teachers would have laughed at the thought of him working as a secretary for the second son of a Forbes 500 company.

And yet now, "scatter-brained" Kim Taehyung was earning a salary others his age could only dream of.

He sure as hell wasn't about to let some notice on an office wall discourage him.

A year later, and the notice was an iron band around his chest. Every time he ran past, with coffee, invoices, merger documents, flowers, lunch, Yoongi's comfy slippers, his annoying fucking cat Pebbles (and sometimes even his mother for her monthly lunch with her son), Taehyung could feel the sign giggling at him. A wicked, evil little laugh that belonged in some crevice of Hell, not in this job that he had struggled so hard to land and keep.

He had bought himself an apartment in Hongdae that he barely got to live in. Most nights, Taehyung camped out in the office, knowing he had no chance of getting there at 5am in time for Yoongi's bright and early arrival. His mother had at least quit her job and was now being a stay-at-home housewife for the first time in her marriage. His brother was applying to universities and his sister was sitting exams. Much had changed, except for one thing.

Min Yoongi was still Satan.

Whenever Taehyung caught himself wondering how he could work so hard and so relentlessly, he remembered how much he himself did for the man. Taehyung was sure he could probably out-CEO the best of them if he had his every little desire and demand brought in the blink of an eye. Yoongi didn't care if Taehyung almost died running across town to get his favourite filet mignon for lunch, only to be told by the stunned owner that they didn't do takeout, and especially not for such a dish. But when Taehyung knelt down and promptly began to cry, the man gave in. The PA expected some sort of gratitude when he brought it back, still hot.

Yoongi took it, flipping open a napkin and setting it on his lap as his eyes remained glued to the screen. A few minutes passed in which Taehyung stared at him, hands folded respectfully. Yoongi stopped mid-chew, finally acknowledging his continued presence.

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