PART 1 - Swaddled

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Part 1 of the ‘Sweater’ series.

Ao3 by : orphan_account

Summary :

Taehyung comes home to see Yoongi wearing his sweater, looking soft and small.


"I'm home." Taehyung called out, closing the apartment door behind him.

He was met with silence and he looked down at the box full of chocolates in his hands.

Where's Yoongi?

The sound of music coming from a room eventually reached his ears and he assumed that Yoongi was using the radio.

Of course he wouldn't have heard him.

Taehyung, relieved to know that his
hyung and boyfriend was home, went to the kitchen.

He set the box of chocolates he carried down on the counter and sighed happily.

The chocolates were for today, Valentine's Day, and he knew Yoongi would be grateful.

Taking off his jacket and hanging it up, Taehyung went to the room he heard the music coming from.

He kept quiet, deciding to surprise Yoongi.

He pressed his lips together and peered inside the room,
which happened to be their shared bedroom.

But instead of Taehyung surprising Yoongi, he himself was surprised specifically by the sight that
welcomed him.

Yoongi, his boyfriend who preferred to wear tight and black clothes, was wearing his sweater.

Taehyung's big and grey and fluffy sweater!

Yoongi twirled around, laughing.

Taehyung swallowed.

He looked so...soft and small in the outfit.

The sweater was very big on his frame and it seemed to cover up his boxers.

Yoongi was really not wearing any pants.

'He's so cute.' Taehyung thought to himself, swallowing again.

Yoongi tugged at the ends of his
sleeves and laughed again.

Without even thinking about it, Taehyung took out his phone and
proceeded to take pictures of his cute boyfriend.

He didn't pay attention to the fact that the flash was on, causing Yoongi to be startled and to stop what he's doing.

He looked at Taehyung, embarrassed.

"Taehyung! What are you doing!"

"Uh." Taehyung looked at his phone and immediately moved it behind his back.


"You were taking pictures of me, weren't you." Yoongi asked with pout.

'That just makes him even cuter.' Taehyung thought.


"Delete them."

"Can't do that, hyung."

"Why." Yoongi asked and stepped forward, looking like he was ready to snatch his boyfriend's phone away.

"Because you were cute. Wait, hyu—" Taehyung yelled and started running. Yoongi was chasing after him.

Taehyung ran into the bathroom, then to the small laundry room then to the kitchen, trying to keep Yoongi away.

He laughed the entire time as Yoongi looked not as threatening he
thinks he is.

The big sweater only made him look innocent even with the glare on his hyung's face.

"Come back here Taehyung!"

"Gotta catch me first." Taehyung grinned and took his phone to scroll through his pictures.

"In this picture, I caught you playing with the ends of sleeves. You felt cute, didn't you? You have to agree."

"Taehyung." Yoongi yelled but he had a smile growing on his face.

Taehyung suddenly stopped running, hiding behind the big TV in the living room.

"Hyung, how does it feel to be wrapped up in that sweater of mine?"

Yoongi stopped moving too and took a deep breath.

"Like I was home."

'Oh.' Taehyung thought.

"And I did feel...cute. Your sweater is so big and soft."

"You looked small too."

That statement only irritated Yoongi and Taehyung decided to run off again.

"Please, Taehyung delete them!"

"Nope." Taehyung said and jumped onto the couch, laying back.

He didn't move, letting Yoongi
climb over him.

Yoongi planted his hands on Taehyung's chest with his legs on either side of him.

The older man rolled his eyes and leaned down to kiss Taehyung.

Taehyung hummed as they kissed, placing his phone down on the coffee table next to him.

They kissed for quite some time
until Yoongi separated and stared down at him with an intense look.

"Delete them." Yoongi demanded.

"No." Taehyung responded with a grin.

They proceeded to have a staring contest until Yoongi huffed and laid his head down on Taehyung's chest.

"Fine, you can keep the pictures. But don't show anyone!"

Taehyung combed his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

"I promise."

Yoongi then moved his head up slightly and kissed Taehyung's neck, laying back down afterwards
and closing his eyes.

Suddenly, he's in the mood for a nap and Taehyung is very comfortable.

His boyfriend laughed quietly.

"You're so cute." Taehyung ran a hand down Yoongi's back.

"Happy Valentine's Day, baby."

"Hm, happy Valentine's Day."

"You feel so tiny in my hands too." Taehyung mumbled in Yoongi's hair.

"Shut up."


This is one of my sick fantasies, to see Yoongi drowning in Taehyung's sweater, looking all soft fuck–

The first smut less smutshot of this smutbook, the irony here–BUT THERE ARE 3 MORE PARTS TO IT–


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