Hug Me Tighter (Love Me Longer)

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Ao3 by : ConfettiHan

Summary :

He wraps his arm around Yoongi’s waist and pulls him back to his chest. That’s when he feels something soft brush against his thigh. Flinching away, his heart starts to race with thoughts of what it could be. Taehyung carefully lifts the blanket and looks down between them. Yoongi is only wearing a long t-shirt which has risen up a little to reveal a pair of lacy black open back panties, which, okay, his brain starts to short circuit but then he spots it.

A tail.

Yoongi has a tail.

A light pink fluffy cat tail, wedged between his perfectly round arse cheeks.

Taehyung feels like his head is going to explode at any minute now the longer he looks at it but he just can’t seem to look away.


Taehyung is scared of the storm so he climbs into bed with Yoongi. He didn't expect his night to turn out the way it did after finding Yoongi in panties and a butt plug in his arse.


Taehyung has always loved to cuddle something or someone while he sleeps. It keeps his mind at ease and he relaxes more. Even when they were trainees, the other members quickly learnt to accept it. Sometimes it was nice to be held while they drifted off to sleep.

But Taehyung very rarely hugged Yoongi to sleep.

It made Yoongi quiet sad, thinking his dongsaeng hated him.

In reality, Taehyung thought Yoongi was the most beautiful person he’d ever laid his eyes on.

Occasionally Taehyung would hug him but only when they were on stage or if there was more then them sleeping in the room.

Taehyung didn’t trust himself to be alone with Yoongi. He was scared he’d say or do something stupid and make Yoongi hate him. With another member around, Taehyung was less nervous. He was calmer.

Tonight, Taehyung is not calm. There’s a horrible storm wreaking havoc outside. The wind is howling like a wolf howls at the moon and the rain hits his bedroom window like it’s trying to break in. He’s always hated storms ever since he was a small child. He’d always go to crawl into bed with his parents only to find his younger brother and sister were already there. Good thing the bed was big enough for all of them.

Usually when there was a storm, Taehyung would sneak into bed with one of the other members and snuggle up to them.

Mainly Jimin because they’re soulmates but tonight, Jimin and Jungkook are having a sleepover and Taehyung didn’t want to bother them and their fun.

Seokjin is sick and has locked himself in his room. He doesn’t want the other members to catch his cold, and Hoseok and Namjoon are at the company working on choreography and music.

They never take a break, always working day in, day out to give ARMY the best they can.

Which leaves Yoongi. The one person Taehyung is nervous to be alone with.

He decides to text Namjoon and ask when they’ll be home. He really doesn’t want to be alone during this storm but the idea of sleeping alone with Yoongi kind of scares him more.

[Taehyung: 10:45PM 29/12]
Hyung, just wondering when you and Hoseokie hyung will be home tonight?

I’m sorry Taehyungie, I don’t think we’ll be able to get back tonight. The storm is getting worse.

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