Falling Into You

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Ao3 by : allie (sobangcha8)

Summary :

In which Yoongi dislocates his shoulder, requires two stitches in his forehead, and meets his soulmate all in one night.


Yoongi sits hunched over the bar, his whiskey glass clutched in his hands. His elbows dig into the wood bartop. Behind him the crowd undulates as his former friends up on stage spit lackluster verses. They don’t sound horrible, just. . . boring. Yoongi frowns at his whiskey, and takes a rather large gulp. He doesn’t even know why he came tonight. This was supposed to be their show, the three of them. And yet, he’s at the bar, alone, while they’re up on stage. Maybe he was just bored. Maybe he wanted to prove to himself that they’re terrible without him, but. They’re not. Perhaps they were right to kick him out of the group. 

 Suddenly Yoongi wants nothing more than to be at home. He was stupid for coming. What did he expect? For them to have a change of heart and let him back in? God, Yoongi, how pathetic can you be? 

Yoongi finishes his whiskey, slides the glass further up on the bar, making eye contact with the bartender and nodding his thanks before standing. He doesn’t look at the two up front, and while a small part of him hopes they see him leaving during their set, the majority of him hopes they didn’t notice he was there at all. He picks up his coat off the stool and shrugs it on, zipping it up, already anticipating the freezing walk back to campus. Sure enough, as soon as he emerges into the night air outside the club his breath billows out in front of him, and he shivers, burrowing deeper into his coat. He turns left, takes two steps and something barrels into his back, knocking him off balance. He can’t yank his hands out of his pockets fast enough to catch himself, and he lands on his shoulder, his forehead cracking on the sidewalk, and he’s out cold. 


Yoongi groans as he comes to, a throbbing pain in his head rocking him to his core. Around him there’s a commotion, several voices talking over each other. The noise only adds to his headache and he groans again, wishing they would all just be quiet. He stirs, and pain blazes through his shoulder. He gasps and his eyes open.

“Oh my god, you’re awake!” A voice closer than the others exclaims, loudly. 

“Are you okay?”

“What do you think?” Yoongi mumbles.

Using his good shoulder, he works on pushing himself up, and his left arm, the hurt one, flops.

“Shit, I think my shoulder is dislocated.” The thought sends a wave of nausea through him and he squeezes his eyes closed for a moment. 

He opens his eyes, blinking hard and he notices the pool of blood on the sidewalk. 

“I called an ambulance, they’re on their way.” The voice says, still sounding panicked, but the volume has gone down.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry.”

“What happened?” Yoongi groans, the combined pain of his shoulder and head nauseating.

He manages to push himself to a sitting position, wiping his forehead with his good hand and balking a little at the blood that stains it. He looks up and finds a young man sitting on his knees in front of him. Yoongi blinks. He’s gorgeous, with longish, curly black hair framing his face like a halo, big eyes round with concern sparkling in them. He pulls his attention away from the gorgeous man, and glances around. There are a few people still loitering around, watching, but they’ve all stopped yelling over him, thankfully. 

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin