Good For You

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Ao3 by : mucha

Summary :

Taehyung finds lingerie in the wardrobe he shares with his boyfriend and comes to the wrong conclusion.


Taehyung was sure Yoongi was cheating on him.

He never thought it was possible. Yoongi didn’t seem like the type, from the moment Taehyung met him, three years ago, he knew Yoongi was too kind to ever do anything like that.

He’d always been aggressively loyal (unless it came to board games - those, in Yoongi’s opinion, had only one rule: every man for himself), so it never even occurred to Taehyung to entertain the possibility.

And yet.

It all started with a shopping bag he found stuffed into the corner of their wardrobe.

Normally he wouldn’t think much of it, both of them often treated their wardrobe as an extra storage space and would shove things they didn’t need at the moment into it. But what caught Taehyung’s attention was that the bag didn’t look like it was just tossed inside for the sake of keeping it somewhere, it looked carefully hidden.

He did the only thing that seemed reasonable to him - he took out the bag and opened it. From the moment his fingers touched the damn thing, he knew something expensive was placed inside. It was clear from the elegant but minimalistic logo, which Taehyung didn’t recognize at first. It was only when he peeked inside and felt the ground sway beneath his feet, that he realized.


There was a bag with lingerie inside his wardrobe.

He carefully took it out of the bag to get a better look. It was a pink bodysuit made of delicate lace, with subtle floral patterns and even if there wasn’t a price tag still attached to the shoulder strap, Taehyung simply knew it was anything but cheap. He had no idea how long he stayed like this, staring at the lingerie, his mind blank, until he finally pulled himself together and carefully put it away back into the wardrobe.

His optimistic nature kicked in almost immediately, his brain coming up with different explanations, but when a few days later he checked the wardrobe again and saw that the bag was gone, his heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.

He started watching Yoongi more attentively, but his boyfriend showed no signs of acting any different than what Taehyung was used to.

Nothing was different and yet everything was, but Taehyung was too terrified to ask Yoongi about the lingerie. Deep down, he was scared of hearing his answer. A part of him didn’t want to know the truth but he needed to talk about this with someone, so when he and Yoongi made plans to see their friends that Friday evening, he asked his best friend to meet him a little early.

“I think Yoongi is cheating on me.”

Jimin spat his beer back into his glass, choking and wheezing. He looked up at Taehyung with wide eyes, his mouth falling open.

“What did you say?”

“I think my boyfriend is cheating on me,” Taehyung said, twirling his straw between his fingers.

The pub was already filled with people but they managed to get one of the booths in the corner, away from the noise. Yoongi and the rest of their friends were already on their way, so Taehyung, knowing he doesn’t have much time, decided not to beat around the bush.

“How do you— how do you know?”

“There was a bag with lingerie in our wardrobe, I found it by accident. And now it’s gone.” He shrugged, avoiding looking Jimin in the eye.

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