Tomorrow And Always

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Ao3 by : taegibun

Summary :

No one liked Kim Taehyung, head of security and Yoongi's personal bodyguard. Everyone feared him and his icy eyes, his robotic voice, his soulless stare. People asked him, "why don't you get another one?", and up until this day, Yoongi didn't have an answer.

Or maybe he did, but was too scared to say it out loud.

Tonight was a close call. It even got physical, and Yoongi was still shaking, shivering underneath the fluffy blanket Taehyung threw over his shoulders before excusing himself for a moment. They all knew what that meant: one poor soul was gonna get fired or sued tonight. No one liked Kim Taehyung, head of security and Yoongi's personal bodyguard. Everyone feared him and his icy eyes, his robotic voice, his soulless stare… They asked him, "why don't you get another bodyguard?", and up until this day, Yoongi didn't have an answer.

Or maybe he did, but was too scared to admit it, to say it outloud.

Even in his shocked state, Yoongi remembered Taehyung's reaction, how he got rid of the crazy fan that managed to fool security, get on stage, launch himself towards Yoongi and trap him on the floor. From then on, everything was slightly confusing, but he remembered how Taehyung got him out of the stage in a hurry, using his own body to protect him, his soothing voice anchoring back to reality.

"It's okay, it's okay, Yoongi-ssi. You're with me now. You’re safe."

He had Taehyung’s arms wrapped around him, Yoongi knew he was safe. The warmth, the strength, the gentleness… only Taehyung gave him that. So yeah, he liked him. He told himself that was the reason he refused to change his security: he did his job perfectly fine, always watching over him, always keeping him safe from the stalkers and the media, and because– 

Because he was handsome, yes. And because Yoongi could see beyond the stone cold stare… he could see heat and something dark and unnerving simmering in them when their eyes met.

Yeah, he liked him.

"W-where is Taehyung?" Yoongi asked in a small voice.

"He hasn't returned yet." Jin said.

"Do you want me to call him?"

Yoongi nodded.

"Please, tell him I need him."

His manager sent him a strange look before tapping a few buttons on his phone. He was the only one that knew Yoongi's sexuality; as a bubblegum pop star, many people made their assumptions, but he wasn't officially out. Yoongi suspected that Taehyung knew as well.

"Yoongi-ssi, did you ask for me?" Taehyung's deep voice startled him. He looked composed, with only a few wrinkles in his suit; it was almost scary how serious his face could get.

But as stated earlier, Yoongi could see past all of that: he noticed how the bodyguard's eyes, though hard and fiery, darted all over Yoongi's features, checking on him.

"I just wanted to know…" He said, keeping his voice down.

"How are you?"

Taehyung blinked.

"Me? Yoongi-ssi…"

"Just Yoongi".

"Yoongi-ssi , my state is not important"

Yoongi frowned.

"It is for me."

"You were jumped on a couple of minutes ago." Taehyung deadpanned.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora