So Let Me Be Your Harmony Tonight - The Light Is Green

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Ao3 by : alunar

Summary :

Yoongi described Taehyung's voice as warm, deep, as a DO1 or SOL3.

And that it could affect people, Yoongi knows best.

He never said he is affected by this voice, none knows — they just assume.
His collegues just tease his trance-like state whenever Taehyung talks: for all he knows, Taehyung could describe his daily meal and Yoongi would be interested — which is pathetic.

When Yoongi turned twenty and he was ready to move abroad, he didn't really think about what life is outside of his little town.

And then he found himself walking in the big streets of New York, nose up to look at the smokey sky and he just — he felt little.

He felt so little and he couldn't quite believe he was really there, unknowingly so.

Because the air was a bit musty, but it was real. The buildings so tall, but they were also real. The streets were crowdy, but he was so thankful for all those people around him reminding him that — it was real.

The alarm rings.

The alarm rings and Yoongi opens his eyes reluctantly, his mouth dry and the room filled with a not-so-nice smell.

When his head turns to the side, he can see all of his clothes scattered on the sheets, some of them are on the floor and his shoes are distinguishable when he sets his eyes on them, in front of his bedroom's door. New York's air filling the room from a long forgotten opened window.

A grunt escapes from Yoongi's lips, his body glued to the mattress, even though he know he has to bolt out of his own bed as fast as he can.

At the end, he manages to get up - he always does - and to get ready in time — at least he hopes he's in time.

Calling an uber would've been an awesome idea, if he just had thought about it before starting to run towards his radio office.

Thanks brain, you're helpful.

What keeps Yoongi going during the rest of the evening is the fact that his earphones are waiting for him in the booth.

The only problem with that is that he has to wait to actually take control of that booth, and he has to wait for none other than Taehyung to finish his pathetic show.

If you ask him, he is pretty sure that only teenage girls, who get wet because of the latter's voice, follow his stupid broadcast.

Yoongi described Taehyung's voice as warm, deep, as a DO1 or SOL3.

And that it could affect people, Yoongi knows best.

He never said he is affected by this voice, none knows — they just assume.

His collegues just tease his trance-like state whenever Taehyung talks: for all he knows, Taehyung could describe his daily meal and Yoongi would be interested — which is pathetic .

It is already 10:30 pm, Yoongi is sitting on a chair while regretting the fact that he set an alarm for 6:30 pm when, clearly, his help wasn't very much needed to the station.

So, yes, it's 10:31 pm and Yoongi is bored, tired and irritable and he can't wait to do something and forget about his pulsating head.

And when at 10:32 pm Taehyung comes out of the booth, he stands up quicker than ever, making an employee sitting behind the console chuckle.

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